
Freshmen s***s? Ive been asking this all day and still no good answeres

by Guest57049  |  earlier

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This is the forth time asking you people and i thank you for some of the advise but Why are freshmen girls being called s***s?




  1. Because they are.

  2. because they are being brought into high school and they like to act older than they are and ACT S****y so that is why they are called that.

  3. high school sux  

  4. I've never heard that before, but maybe because the seniors feel threatened?  Or they just want to put them down, beat them down 'til they have no self-esteem.  Or maybe they're just trying to prophesize and hope that they'll follow along with their name and become s***s.

    I HATE this word because its just women putting down other women.  We're just making it okay for men to call us s***s.  I hate the whole double standard, and wish it would go away.  Seriously... ignore it or try to stop it!

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