
Friday's fun question?

by  |  earlier

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How did you find *your* breed, if you have one that you are passionate about? Was it the breed you grew up with? A breed you liked the looks of? The dog you have now - is it that breed, or another? Did you ever research a breed you thought you wanted, then decided it really wasn't for you??

Tell me about *your* breed, and why it is right for you!




  1. shelter mix breeds rule groomed for yrs and found to many inbred problems in general

  2. I grew up with a miniature poodle.  When I got married, I told my husband I wanted another one.  The hubby {as hubands will do} said he would NOT be seen with no darn frou-frou dog.  He wanted a big dog he could wrestle with.  So....we compromised and got a standard.  We now have FOUR of them!  After having dogs that don't shed---neither of us will ever go back!

  3. Black Lab! Very 'human', very affectionate, good companion!

  4. <--------------------My APBt Faith

    My breed is the APBT. I grew up around them because my family has always raised them. and when I was old enough I got my own. = )

  5. I love Irish wolfhounds, but haven't had the chance to own one yet.

    I grew up with a cocker/springer spaniel mix.

    I like the look of great danes.

    I have a australian shepherd/welsh corgi mix.

    And I've done a ton of research on irish wolfhounds, and I know it will work for me.

  6. How did I find my breed...

    In a way I have always been around Siberians, never really interested in them but they where always there.

    My interest in the breed is quite strange and not something a lot of people would guess.

    I was walking home from school with a friend and we got on the topic of dogs. She started talking about these two Siberians she met.. .

    About two years later, I had nothing to do so decided to search  dog breeds.. . While I was reading something about Staffies (I think) my mind went back to the conversation we had. So I searched Siberians.

    The first site I came across was 20page breed profile. I read it all and then went on another site. That whole week was spent Reading bout Siberians. There have been plenty of breeds I have been "put of" by but no, not Siberians.

    BUT I did not go and get one straight after. I went and met some Siberians and although I loved the breed I was reading about, I loved the breed I was handling even more.. I then waited 2years before finally getting one.

    What about you Kippy? and Happy Firday!

  7. My parents got me a dog  when I was seven, it was a miniature schnauzer. And he's 5 now and he's been a dog that suits me very well, he strangely has the exact same personality as I do, which is really cool, and I think sometimes its the dog, not the breed that makes your dog suit you.

  8. I like the misrepresented breeds...pitties, rotts, chows, dobies.  I think having a well behaved one of these breeds serves to educate the public and let them serve as an embassador of the breed.  I also prefer mutts from the shelter.

  9. If only I had a breed! LOL  I love all dogs, and surround myself with all kinds.  Always have, always will.  The one dog I am waiting to have, an Irish Wolfhound, hasn't come to me yet, but, Lord Willing, it will.  That will also be his name.  I really like friendly, cuddly dogs and that's what I have.

  10. I like mutts. Not just any mutts but big hairy bear looking mutts. I have grown up with a number of dogs-mutts and purebreds. The only thing is mine have all been medium. Now I have a great pyrenees who is a wonderful size and I love her and her breed but I still think my next dog will be a big fuzzy mutt from a shelter. The mutts are right for me because it is so hard to decide on just one breed and mutts can combine 2 or more into one.

    Please note: I do not support people breeding these so called designer dogs. I want a mutt! (ie. a chow mix not some stupid shih apso chi frise)
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