
Friday morning when I was getting ready for work, my mom and I herd voices like they were in the house.?

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It sounded like children (more than one) they were talking amongst themselves but we could not make out what they were saying. I checked on my kids and they were both sound asleep in two different rooms. Anybody out there have any ideas what this could be? The house next door is empty and the other one is a couple in their 80's.




  1. Sounds like to me you got a haunted house . .a house possessed by demons or evil spirits (ghosts). Do not be afraid of them or scared (and I know this may be hard to do), because as long as you are not afraid, they will not hurt you. They can, if you allow FEAR to control you. Instead, fear GOD, not Satan, the devil . .God's enemy . .for he can not do anything harmful, unless given permission by God. Perhaps, God sees your sinful way of living, and is warning you that the same bad things can happen (as punishment) to you are your family, like the last ones who lived in the house. The only way you will win this battle (and its a spiritual one) is to accept God, The Father, thru the Son of God, Jesus Christ, into your heart and into your life. Believing in and having Jesus Christ, as LORD and Savior, in your life (and you family's too), is the only way you can drive Satan and his demons away. Once you truly believe in Him, call on His name, say "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave the house,and leave my family in peace . .  they (demons) will flee and be gone.


    Remember: THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR, EXCEPT FEAR DISOBEYING (by sinning against Him, by going against His holy Laws, written in the Bible) GOD, THE FATHER, THRU BELIEVING IN THE SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST.

  2. Although he may sound preachy, Heavenly Messenger has a point.

    Ghosts are not people bound to the earth. That is just something fake mediums and psychics want you to believe so you will pay them money.

    This is a cultural myth which seems to be very popular in the western world.

    The history of your house is not important, because the voices have nothing to do with anyone dying in the house, or anything like that.

    You have demons. Demons are angels who have rebelled against God. They would like you to believe they are innocent children. The term "Cherub" which is associated with chubby little babies with wings, are according to the Bible fierce warriors with flaming swords and powers above all other types of angels. These guys are butt-kickers, not children. Satan is a Cherub.

    Watch for the smell of sulfur. You might get a whiff, it smells like rotten eggs, you might think its a f**t. The smell of sulfur, or its old name Brimstone, is often associated with demonic behavior.

  3. i highly believe in this stuff myself. They are spirits who have finally had the courage to reveal themselves to you. Take this as a blessing, because the reason they are talking to you is because they have realized you are the one that can help them out in something they are wanting to find out about.

  4. Sounds to me like you're scaring your kids.Ghosts aren't real it's silly to think they are.Tell your kids that,you'll all be better off.

    Edit. When I was a kid. there wasn't much going on with my parents I didn't pick up on.

  5. If you have already ruled out all logical explanations the only thing left is paranormal. Although many find it hard to believe and in no way am I saying it is paranormal but sounds like it could be. The only way to be sure is to investigate. If your open to the possibilities that what you have is paranormal you need to understand that the sad truth is children die and their spirits sometimes either can't move forward or won't move forward. Don't let the Hollywood imagines scare you these are not demonic. demons do not need to trick you if it were demons and they wanted to hurt you then they just would. Through many investigations we come across laughing talking and giggling children voices and in the past 30 years not a single report has been known to harm anyone.

    You stated one of your children are scared so i am guessing you want whatever you have to move on and this can be done without any problems or drawing attention to you and your family. A simple blessing done by a priest will clean your home and move the spirits out. You don't even have to tell them you believe you have spirits because many people have their house blessed for many different reasons.

  6. Paranormal, If you wouldn't like to experience something weird  just like ghosts wouldn't let you asleep, annoy, destroy your concentration, Just pray or Call some priest that will bless that house

  7. Hard to say, if this is the first time anything like that has happened, it is probably something like your kids talking and pretending to be asleep.  If things have been recurring, or if you notice more unexplainable things in the near future, you might want to call in an investigator.  Of course, you'd want to be careful who you call so you get someone reputable.  Since I don't know where you live, the best I can give you is to pick from this list whoever is closest to you.  All of these groups are required to do investigations with no charge (which takes away a lot of motivation to find ghosts), and although I cannot personally vouch for all of them, I can at least tell you there is SOME oversight as to their reputability, which is more than most groups.


  8. try consalting a paranormal expert to  investigate or try recording it the next time it happens

  9. Similar happened with a relative. They moved.   I since ask what is it they want?  why are they  revealing their voice?  

    Jesus be with you.  Peace.

  10. tht sux how olds ur house? it could b ghosts bt dont worry they wont hurt ya

  11. I heard that you can herd cattle or sheep.

    Thank you for giving us more evidence of the correlation between intellectual torpor and superstitious belief.

  12. Is it possible there were kids in that empty house anyway? we had one next to use that kids were using as a drug/party house.

  13. If you have already ruled out all the logical explanations you can think of, what you have left is the unexplained. But unexplained does not necessarily mean paranormal. Are you sure a TV or radio wasn't on in the house? Are you sure your kids were asleep? I can't remember how many times I fooled my parents into thinking I was asleep when I was a kid. Are you sure kids weren't outside your house walking down the sidewalk? I think that natural explanations have not been ruled out here.

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