
Friday night fun at home with guests...any ideas please??

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We are having a couple over (that have never been before) tomorrow night. I don't normally do this with people we just I don't know what they are into. I have no idea how to entertain them at all? We opted for stayind in due to not having a babysitter for my children, so they will be in bed while our guests are here. I pretty much told them..casual..order pizzas, couple movies..pick up some drinks. But what else? Can someone coach me on entertaining new guests? Without seeming weird or overboard?




  1. I agree that movies are dangerous, especially when you have no idea what they like.

    I also think you should cook for them.  For one thing, it's a great way to hang around and get conversation flowing.  Instead of ordering pizzas, why not do some "make your own" ones?  Get individual pizzas (I'd do at least 2 per person) and chop up the basic toppings, but maybe add some unusual ones, like pineapple, feta cheese, spinach, etc.  People always unwind in a kitchen (or dining area if kitchen is too small!).

    Board games are always fun, so if you don't have any adult ones, borrow from a neighbor.  Cards are a possibility, too.

    Then mentally think of a fun list of stuff to talk about to keep convos flowing - jobs, favorite trips, where you grew up, college, etc.

  2. chill out and it will be alright


  3. I have a few thoughts to consider.  I might opt out of the watching movies option but use it as a back up.  Hard to get to know someone while watching movies.  Sit back relax and just talk.  Ask them questions about their work, where they are from, where they have been on vacation, where did they  go on their honeymoon etc.,  find out if you have anything in common with them.  Have some music playing.  

    As for ordering pizza, always a safe bet, have you considered possibly making a simple dinner, maybe grill some burgers and have a salad.  Pizza is easy, making dinner for someone is a very welcoming way to show your guests you are interested in them, and it would be a nice surprise.  

    Just be yourself and it won't be weird at all.

  4. Play cards....or dice games.

    Everyone knows a card game or two or three.

    A board game is always fun.

  5. board games, or just chat let it be natural

  6. I agree with a lot of these answers- the only thing I might add is- that I rarely invite just one couple over- I usually invite at least two other couples, in other words a minimum party of six.  Another guy and another girl always seem to help break the ice and makes conversation more interesting and lively. So maybe invite someone that both of you already know or at least one couple that you know that you think would get along. And then serve the sangria from Hope's question. Your dinner will be a hit.

  7. Have a couple of drink before they arrive, to loosen up, so ur conversations will flow easier.  Board games are always fun, ones like Pictionary or Scattergories.  Put on a dvd of music clips from your era, so there are visual aids to use as a talking point, also.    A movie could get boring fast, since you don't know what thier taste in films is like.   If you've never met them before, make the night somewhat brief, don't drag it out, so if they enjoyed the night, they'll more likely return or have another night out with you, and next time, you'll all be more comfortable with each other.  

    Good luck, and have fun!!

  8. If there will be other couples, then make introductions and check on them a little more than the others as you make everyone feel welcome. The others will help through normal conversation. I will assume just the two couples and no others. If the two of you drink, of course your alcohol of choice along with a pitcher of a spiked punch and a non alcoholic punch. Goggle "punch in a cloud" for a great punch I first tried at a wedding. A deck of cards and play men vs women, split couples and play against each other. If they seem to get along well between the two of them, you can also play couple against couple. Outburst and Taboo are two games you can enjoy with two couples or a room full of people (and also with your children).  A good movie for both men and women is "For Love of The Game" with Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston. Romance for the ladies and sports for the guys. Best of luck.

  9. a bit of white or red wine before dinner is good. pizza or beef steaks will be good.

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