
Fridge Freezer Question?

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Having recently viewed a house I want to buy I found it has an integrated fridge freezer and but what I want to know is if I can get rid of it cos its old and dirty and can I integrate my own?

Is it just a case of removing the hinges from the cupboard door and attaching it to mine?





  1. Yep it should be pretty straight forward to remove the fascia doors then unscrew the fridge/ freezer from the unit and lift out. The one you buy to replace it (make sure you order the same size) will come with the bracket to attach the fascia door along with instructions how to as it maybe in a slightly different place where the bracket is currently located.

    Any competent DIY er will manage this - just order the correct size. There is also a difference between the units designed to be built under to those in a housing unit.

  2. if its old and dirty get rid of it, you dont know what kind of germs may be lerking inside it..

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