
Fried food make you have pimples?

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Fried food make you have pimples?




  1. Contrary to popular belief, IT DOES NOT. Studies have shown that what you eat has no direct impact on the development of acne.

  2. yup it does,all those  fats,your skin reflects how clean your blood is..when u eat unhealthy food your body tries to get rid of it...the food that cannot be excreted properly usually show up on your a result of your blood..

  3. Yes, If you already have oily skin,  you are  getting a extra dose of it on your pores.  Some people body can handle fried foods and some can't.  If you have pimples, give yourself a test.  Stop eating greases food for one week.  See what happens-.

  4. Yup not only fried food. Any heaty food like chilli will make you have pimples

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