
Friend Dilemma?

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My friend wants me to come visit before summer is over.(i moved last year).Anyway I looked at greyhound and its only $200 round trip, which is much cheaper (not to mention easier )than flying.My problem is,is that im 18 and unemployed and flat broke.My mom took my little brother out of day camp since i was home and doing nothing.She jokingly said i should just give u half of what i pay them (that would be 60 dollars for me).But i think she was only kidding.And besides that money is tight right now.So should I ask if I can borrow the money?Or should i just give up on even going?Thanks




  1. Go ahead ask, the worst thing your parents could say is no. Why don't you get a job, if money is so tight? You are eighteen.....

  2. With my parents, i have to have at least half, and then she will give me a loan. So if you really want to go see your friend, suggest the half thing, but if you would rather not go, simply tell your friend that you are flat broke and can't afford to come. Maybe you could aske your friend to come to where you live.

  3. Get a job.I think you should give up on going

  4. If you're tight on money, don't ask. It'll just put your mother in a situation she obviously doesn't want to be in. If you really want to visit your friend, then you should try to earn your own money. It's possible some shops may not have gotten enough summer workers from highschool/college etc. Otherwise you could mow lawns, babysit, petsit, sell lemonade. Good luck.
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