
Friend Tried to Set Me Up With a Criminal.............?

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a friend of a friend tried to set me up (unbeknownst to me at the time) with a guy that is divorced with 3 children, has a felony, domestic violence record, and child abuse, and other things I will NOT mention here. She said I deserve the best, and I would make a great step mother and wife to these children.

I was in utter shock and disbelief that she would set me up with a loser, and a terrible man. What was she thinking????Why would She do such a thing? Your thoughts?

SHE KNOWS about his history.




  1. Whats wrong with this situation???

    She tried hooking you up with a guy who has a felony and a history of domestic violence....what in the heck are the kids doing with him?

  2. I though women LIKED the 'bad' boys...

    Just a joke, for laughs ya know.

    She's not much of a friend is she? I'd hate to know your enemies.

  3. yeah- She's not your friend.  Tell her to get lost.

  4. "If you want my future, forget my past" -  this is what girls tell the guys.  Most of them.  So may be your friend was thinking in these lines regarding that guy.

  5. sounds like jealousy issue's. Or maybe you borrowed something and forgot to return it? Either way if I was in your shoe's I would give this so called "friend" the cold shoulder and write them off.

             You might say forgiveness this and that but your "friend" put your life in danger. That is not a friend.

  6. She's not playing with a full deck. She's plenty crazy.

  7. She might be a friend of your friend, but she couldn't possibly be a friend of YOURS. Or, at the very least, she has a sick sense of humour.

  8. This is really weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Does this really need any explaination?

    This doesn't sound like too good of a friend.

  10. Three posibilities.

    A. She didn't know at the time.

    B. She is really dumb.

    C. She is not really your friend.

    Your pick.

  11. Perhaps 'friend' is the wrong description.

  12. She is not a friend and not worthy of your trust.

  13. No I would never to that to or for anyone I considered a friend..let alone cared about.  There isn't anything RIGHT about the situation.  IM not sure why she would think that would be ok.  It's a good thing however that you know you deserve better than that.  Someday that man will find love...and good thing you won't be learning the hard way about his past.  I'm not sure I would trust in this friend anymore.  She may be one of those who wouold turn their head at you if you needed her to have your back.  Watch out for her!!  Him too for that matter.  Stay safe!!  EEK!

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