
Friend has ended friendship over.....?

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My friend of a number of years has told me that she does not want to continue our friendship anymore. This is due to the fact that I woke up this morning and I had something on my mind from an really bad argument we had about a year and a half ago. I took responsibility for my part and apologized for my part back then but she never ever said she was sorry or and didn't really speak about what happened on her end. That is the way she is. She has too much pride or maybe too much arrogance to admit that she is wrong about anything. I let it go but it always has really bugged me. Plus she tends to put guilt trips on me. She likes to pretend that she does so much for everyone else but nobody does anything for her. That drives me crazy she kind of likes to play the victim and then she can get sympathy. Anyway I just asked about her part of the disagreement in an email this morning because i really wanted to clear this up and I wasn't mean or anything. Just said do you still think this about me?? She flew into a temper on email and said that if I couldn't get over this then she didn't want to be arguing with me. Which translates to me that she doens't want to talk about something that could make her seem less than perfect. When someone else is wrong she never gives an inch. Maybe you just outgrow people. I guess I didn't have to bring it up but I needed to see if she would allow our friendship to grow and for her to discuss things that bothered me. Not just me towing the line for her. That what it feels like. I don't feel bad about losing her friendship quite frankly. Can anyone relate???




  1. why did you wait a year and a half to bring it back up? if had try to resolve it went first went down, you probably wouldn't be friends that long.if you know her ways and they make you mad why did you ever keep her aruond? Don't stress about it. Maybe she just said that to get her way with you as she always does. like you said, MAYBE you just outgrew her. I think you didn't want her as a friend anymore because of her ways.

  2. Yes I can. The constant guilt trips get really tiring and just end up causing you to argue with each other. Also just wanting to hear the other person say that they are sorry for what they did lets you know that the both of you can get past it and just improve on your relationship.

  3. my one friend use to do that alot. like she always blamed things on me, even if it wasnt my fault. you dont need friends like that, no one does. i told her i was through with everything and now im much happier with my new friends, but on her part i mean maybe she got upset because shes trying to get over it and you have to bring it back up. i think you just might want to talk to her calmly and if she cant do that, she doesnt deserve your friendship

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