
Friend has epilepsy but wont get it seen to?

by  |  earlier

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Right, my friend takes these seizures, always when asleep. she starts breathing really heavily, then stops suddenly for about 30seconds. then she starts twitching and shaking. i know that she also has depression and is getting treated for it, but she doesn't seem to be getting anything for the seizures. anytime i mention it to her she says that she'll see the doctor but i think that she thinks im exaggerating the problem, which im not. she took 7 seizures one night. what can i do??




  1. so, you are a doctor and can diagnose epilepsy?  what you describe doesn't sound the norm for it, I can tell you that.  Especially if it only happens when she is asleep.  Epilepsy doesn't happen only at night, it's a 24 hour a day thing.  You've expressed your concern to your friend, there is nothing else you can do.

  2. sounds like sleep apnea, is she overweight?

  3. I am an epileptic myself so hopefully i can give you some useful advice. Firstly, just because she is having seizures does not mean that she has epilepsy.  There a number of reasons for them.  It could be a reaction to the depression or even a reaction to the medication.  You are right about seeing the doctor though.  The sooner that she gets this seen to then the quicker the problem can be resolved.  Try keeping a diary of when, how many and how long the seizures last.  This will helpful to the Doctors.  Good Lucx xxxxx

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