
Friend hasnt called yet...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well two days ago I made plans with my friend to hang out today. Its 12:30 right now. She told me to call her, but then im like i dont know when you wake up, and whe youre done your papers though. So she is calling me. She saved my number in her phone (what she said), and she said she'll call me. She ahsnt been on msn or myspace. But on it, it said with _____ and _____. I just got the idea she may have sleptover and forgot about the plans.. But thne again, she could be just waking up, eating lunch and then doing her papers. i wait until she calls? Or call her? I dont want to be too needy or desperate looking though :|




  1. Just wait another ten minutes, and if she doesnt call, theres nothing wrong with just calling her to check on what you guys are doing today!! You definitely won't look needy, just like a caring friend, who wants to hang out :)

  2. Don't get all jealous and needy.  It's no big deal - people sometimes forget.  If it turns out later that she's ALWAYS forgetting plans with you, THEN worry about it.  But right now, just call her and say, "Hey, where you at?"

    If she says she's with two other girls say, "Did you forget we were supposed to get together?"  Either she'll say, "Oh, man!  I forgot - can we do it another time?" or she'll say, "Oh.  Um.  I'll be there in an hour."  OR she might say, "Really?" and offer nothing else.  In the first two, be nice - offer another time, or let her come in an hour.  On the last one, you need to decide if you want to deal with a so-called friend who ditches you the minute she has something better to do (in her opinion).  That's rude and disrespectful.

    But still, you don't need to make a big deal of that - just don't make plans with her or think of her as a real friend any more.  Be cordial and civil when you see her, but if she offers to come hang out, think twice.

  3. Wait another half hour and if she doesn't call you, call her. It's ok to call her if she hadn't called you back yet.  

  4. you could call her and tell her that u need to change the time or somethin, then u can find out what shes doin!

  5. you should call her maybe she did forget. so call her to remind her it doesn't sound desparate and needy helping a person remember. call and take care GOD BLESS.

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