
Friend help!? a rude girl!! back talker!! what should i doo!!?

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There's this girl. who think she owns the school.

but she doesnt..

i'm like bfs with her friends and "took them" according to her..

well... she's always talking behind my back...

about how she hates me and why i sit with her friends

(duh, becuz they're my bffs)

and of course my friends stick up for me and everything

but i dont like how she judged me when she never even got to know me..

what should i do? i really want her to say it to my face then behind my back? i just want her to stop talking about me and finally get to know me much much better..

but its hard...

so.. anyone have ideas?




  1. Have you tried approaching her, in a non-confrontational way, to discuss things?  It sounds like you might need to make the first move here.  She will probably be unable to say anything bad about you to your face.  Most people can't because they are basically cowardly in that way.  Much easier to talk behind a person's back.  Approach her in person and explain to her (again, in a non-confrontational way) that you've been hearing things she's said from others second-hand, and that it's been making you feel hurt and you really want to clear the air and hear from her what is going on.  I mean, really, it can't make things much worse than they already are.  Chances are she will back off.  You may even become friends.  Good luck!

  2. Tell her this "Are you so afraid of me that you have to talk about me behind my back?" because that's what it seems like to me. And be like "I'd like to insult you, but your not bright enough to notice". And just discuss with her that she seriously needs to leave you alone. But here's the nice way. Just say, "If you got to know me we could probably be friends." And just be like "I understand where you are coming from, but I didn't steal your best friends". If you really want her to get to know you just say sorry and that hopefully you guys can be friends one day without all this drama and then just smile and after all that walk away. And just be nice to her, because it might make her give up on like being mean because then she will realized that what she says doesn't effect you.

  3. Just be like her and tell her how you feel. Maybe then she'll understand that you didnt "steal" her friends from her. And maybe she'll straighten up and lay off of you a little.

    and tell her you own the skool...



  4. IIt logic, that once you dont pay attention to someone that wants attention, it will eventually fade off.

    What Im trying to say is, ignore that ******.

    She can talk smack about you, call you names, make rumors,

    but YOU will be the better person in the eyes of those who witness's her harassment twards you. You simply ignore her, your attitude should be full with confidence! Look at her pathetic attempts to bring you down, and you don't even care about anything she says cuz shes a nobody!

    As simple as that. In the end, shes the one looking like a idiot.

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