
Friend help!! i dont know wat to do!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok well me and my best friend have been getting into to fights lately (verbally not physically). one of the reasons is because when we have another one of our friends over she always tells secrets to her. i get mad and i tell her it bothers me but she just says well its not about you so why should it matter. and thats the problem im not sure that its about me or not. the other reason that ive been getting mad is because she always pinches and hits me for no reason. i tell her to stop but she says no i dont want to. soo i dont know wat to do. she has been acting like this for a while already and im really getting tired of it. im afraid that if i confront her about it that she will just say that shes just kidding and i take things too seriously. please help!!!! thanx!!




  1. Honey a good relationship works only when both people are happy.Seems to me like you aren't getting much out of this relationship. It's not your job 2 always make her happy and take her abuse. U need 2 sit her down and tell her that u deserve to be treated better than that and if she doesn't, you will find someone else who will treat you better. You need 2 let her know it's not all about her.Just tell her and see if she gets better.If not, maybe it's time to move on.

  2. let her know you dont like secrets and her pinching and hitting. if she doesnt stop, then you might have to not talk to her all the time and then if she asks you whats wrong, tell her.

  3. i had the same problem in high school, and now i havent talked to my x-best friend in 2 years. its hard, but if she continually acts like this, you may need to consider a new friend...sorry. i hope i helped, and good luck.

  4. This girl does not seem to be a good friend.  I think you should start to "move away" from her and develop other friendships.  Friends do not hit or hurt other friends.  Friends do not betray confidences.

    Wishing you better times.    donc

  5. Follow your heat. if she is a good and true friend she'll listen.

       Good luck!

  6. A friend never constantly hits you for no reason unless they are trying to get back at you for something you did to them. And if the secrets weren't about you they should have been able to tell you too. You don't need people like that in your life. Life is too short for that. Take a permanent break from them.

  7. It seems to me that your friend is becoming more of a bully than a best friend.  I say tell her how you feel and mean it when you say it, b/c if you don't say anything she would just continue to keep pinching and hitting you.  I think you should stand your ground, and if she stop talking to you for that then maybe she wasn't your friend after all. good luck.

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