
Friend help??????????????

by Guest62683  |  earlier

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I recently broke off a friendship with two girls. Ist girl had a lot of emotional issues and was going the wrong way. She drank and she is no longer a virgin. She was very odd and very wild. Her family was normal. She was in a behavioral health clinic for most of the school year last year because she ran away from home and possibly tried to kill herself. She is supposed to be seeing a counselor. I don't know if she is. Even though she has a family, she is in foster care right now because her parents couldn't handle her and thought that that would be best. 2nd girl was addicted to the computer, especially to role playing games, and would always talk about guys she met online. Her parents chain smoked and chain drank. One of her brothers is in jail. She corresponds with him.

Last summer I decided that I could no longer be friends with them and on the first day of school I sat with different people and didn't talk to them. (they never did anything with me in the summer, I only saw them at school. i didn't have any other friends, it was only those two. i didn't even really talk to other people. we were completely isolated together for six years.) I hanged out with a group of girls I used to be friends with before these two girls.

I completely changed when I was friends with them. My grades in school weren't what I was capable of, and I was very moody.

Did I do the right thing? Or should I have stuck it out?




  1. I think that you did the right thing, girl.  It may take time to have new friends after you ditched these two friends.  You go, girl.

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