
Friend help!?Please help.?

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Okay well My friend and i were iming today on im and she was like not answering my ims even though she wanted to talk to me. So I asked her why she wasnt responding and she said it was because she was looking at clothes from abercrombie. So I said well I am kinda here and wanting to talk and if you dont want to talk right now then i will just go because I can do otherstuff but i am chosing to talk to you and all. then she said i dont care if we talk.

So i said that was rude

and she said well you think i am rude just go away and dont talk to me.

Then i tried to say i was just saying I didnt like the commet she made and she just strted to ingore me and all.

So later I saw she was online and sent her ims then she just signed off then 5min later she signed back on and then I sent her more ims and she didnt responded and signed off.

I dont know what to do school startes 2moro and shes like my only friend and all and i dont want to hang by myself. I dont know if I should call her because if i do they might say she cant talk and all. What should i do and all.




  1. well if i were you i would give her a call and tell her you are sorry and talk to her and i dont think she was lying about the ambercombie because when i talk to  my friends i go to different websites to you no so say you thought she was ignoring you believe it works sometimes!

  2. k well if she was doing something else then u should have just said u had to go and do something she wants some space it isn't rude and seriously it was nothing big and u two drama queens just have to make a huge fuss out of it...and if shes ignoring u than make new friends its not that hard btw i have a question, why do u only have 1 friend?

  3. Just give her a call and tell her your sorry, or you could always make her something. She will probably appreciate your apology and you will be friends in no time.    Good Luck X  

  4. well that just sounds like a common teenager fight and will probably blow over. Just try one more time telling her  that fighting over something like that is ridiculous. If she still doesn't want to talk she must not have been that great of a friend if she lets that come between you. You'll make more friends.

  5. if she didnt want to talk to u, u prolly shouldve given her some space. honestly, u probably made things worse by telling her she was being rude. im sure that if u wouldve jus tlet it go u guys wouldve been fine right now.  and it prolly annoyed her how u sent her all those IMs. so for the time being just give her some space and see what happens. try to make a new friend

  6. walk up to a group of ppl you've never talked to before and start talking to them.. make new friends

    this girl you're fighting with now, walk up to her in school and tell her you'd still like to be her friend and you're sorry for whatever upset her. it's best not to make things worse by saying she messed it all up..

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