
Friend hit by a car. internally bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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i have a friend who was hit by a car. it didnt kill him but it screwed him up pretty bad. he went through the windsheild and it tore the skin off the top of his scalp. his leg was broken so much his heel was touching his head and they said hes internally bleeding but i dont know where they said it was coming from. everybodys saying the doctors dont know if he is going to make it. but with the people i go to school with, every single one of them is a big fat liar aint none of them ever told the truth a day in their life. ive been up crying for hours and i dont know what to do. do you think he'll make it?




  1. Thats so sad.  I know how it feels to have someone you are close to be on the brink of death.  

    The doctors know more than those stupid people at school.  Don't give up on your friend.  Keep holding on until you hear good news or until you hear bad news.

    Maybe you can send him flowers and a balloon at least you will be doing something to keep your mind under control.

    I hope everything turns out well.

  2. i'm really sorry about your friend, i hope he makes it. but i guess its like 50/50? depends on him and how bad it is. some kid i use to be friends with got in a bad crash and had interal bleeding too and he made it, but from what everyone not alot of people do? idontknow, probly shouldnt be answering this but i'm really sorry and i know its really hard but just get ready for them to tell you he didnt make it incase he doesnt, so itl be easyer for you when they tell you. hope everything gets better.

  3. gee...idk it sounds pretty bad. I don't want to promise you that he'll make it and be wrong.

    I'm so sorry for what happen to him though. I know exactly how you feel. I had a best friend (true story) who got in an accident two years ago and she went through the windshield b/c she wasn't wearing a seat belt. She didn't make it broke my heart for a long time but hopefully, your friend does make it!! Again, I'm sorry!

  4. Internal bleeding is about the quickest way you can die. Often hard to locate, often multiple places. Unless they can find where it is coming from, all of it, in a reasonable time, chances are slim.

  5. Well, I am very sorry for your friend and for your pain. Things may sound very bad right now, but your friend is not dead, so don't bury him yet. People have sustained very bad injuries and have lived through them. Only God knows if he'll make it, but you can still hope and pray for him and be there for him. Good luck and God Bless.

  6. Unfortunately hun, no one on here will be able to give you a straight answer on that one. He's in good hands with the team of doctors he has working on him so hopefully they'll be able to find the source of the bleed and do as much as they can. If its any concelation, a friend of mine was in a serious car accident and ended up breaking her back and her head got stuck in the back windscreen, and she survived! in fact she is living with me now. The doctors are also not told to give anyone a definate answer as they can get into a lot of trouble for doing so, particularly if the result does not depict what they said would happen, therefore they prepare everyone for the worse. I know its hard at the moment, just do as much as you can to be there for all his family. Try to be as positive as you can and if he does come through this he will need all the support he can get

    Hope it all works out for the best

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