
Friend into drugs, should i try to help?

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My friend told me about a year ago that if she ever did drugs and did it more than once that she would want me to tell somebody to get her help. And now she is high all the time but we arent good friends like we used to be. And im afraid if i tell shell just get pissed and think i was just trying to get her in trouble. Cuz now we fight all the time and arent best friends like b4. But she isnt herself and shes doing a lot of stupid ****. Shes off like getten high and haven threesomes while she has a bf. And that was her first time too, and it was with a boy she just met and her best friend. Idk if its my place to tell some one this. She has all htese dreams to become a doctor and c**p, and idk how shes gunna do that high off her ***. Shes even goen to school high.

sorry its alil long...




  1. Tell her how you feel about her doing drugs and if she doesn't understand then its best to stop hanging around her. You need to have positive people around.

  2. lmfao let her do whatever she wants, because shes going to do it anyways. dont try changing what she does. as long as shes happy riight? i know it may sound selfish but im only being honest here, hope i helped : )

  3. Remind her of what she said and tell her what you plan to do about the situation! All I can say is don't let yourself be influenced by her actions. Talk to her all you can but when you get tired of talking so much all you can do is leave her alone. She will later know who her real friend is (you). All you can do is try. You can't make a person do anything, just remember that. You can't change the world, but you can influence it. Don't worry yourself about it, just pray. Just talk to her and if she don't listen just know that you did your part as a friend.  

  4. Try to stay away and start a new life with new friends:)))

  5. try to convince her to stop

    it will ruin your friendship if she continues.

    tell her how much you care about her as a friend and just do your best.

    and if she continues to act like that and nasty having threesomes, she's guaranteed to get an STD.

    you dont want a best friend with an STD.

    i wouldnt be friend with her anymore if i were you.

    thats gross.

    good luck though, maybe she'll listen if she cares about you enough!

  6. just try to stay away and start a new life with new friends

  7. As a person who has smoked before, i see nothing wrong with doing it but to a certain degree. You friend has crossed the line of getting high for fun or just to relax a little. She is putting herself and others in danger so i would keep the promise and let somone know. I wouldnt really tell the parents because you dont know how they will act. They might not believe you. I would go to a school counselor and talk to her and then she will call her in and just talk with her. Ask her not to reveal your identity. unless you want to sit and talk to her urself.

  8. Next time you see her. Pull her away and sit her down. Grab her hand and say.

    "Listen. A half a year ago you told me if your ever did drugs, you would want me to get you help. And I am. You need to stop this. I'm not going to sit here and let you s***w up your life. Please, if you're my friend, you would stop what you're doing. I love you, and I don't want to lose you. Please try to understand."

    And if she gets mad at you. Let her go. Say at least you tried.

  9. Please try to help may  try to make her understand

    if it is not too late.Otherwise talk with her family & inform them about all you know.After all she was your friend.  

  10. you should have her mom drug test her. trust me i have had problems my best friend toldmy mom and it was the best thing for me. i hated him then but now we are close again. trust me you should tell her mom. its better for her in the longrunn.

  11. i think it is better to just stop being friends with her. she isn't someone who you want to surround yourself with. find people make you feel mostly happy.

  12. well first you need to try to convinse her to stop, have a heart to heart just tell her im your friend im concernd and i dont want anything to happen to you...

    if she still doesnt.. then seek professional help.

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