
Friend is 21 and have 3 kids... HELP!!?

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I have a friend that 21 and she have 3 kids now. The oldest is 2 the middle one is 1 and she is 37 and 3 days pregnant, her due date is Sept 3 but her kids have different daddy's, and there not around. she dont have a job and she drop out school, and i'm taking care of them kids.. What should i do? I mean if it wasnt for me them kids would b dirty and wouldnt b eating....I'm 21 finna go to college and have no kids




  1. You are a great friend and I love kids so I'm happy to see that you are looking out for the kids. You need to sit down and tell her that she needs to get her **** together and stop sleeping with many different men. There are many disease out there she should be scared of God forbid she passes one to her unborn. She needs to put these fathers on child support find a baby sitter and go get a job and possibly take some classes maybe toward nursing there are boces programs and amongst others which don't take that long to complete. And she should get on public assistance. Tell her that she is taking advantage of you and if she doesn't get her **** together that you will personally call child protective services and her kids will be taken away. You  should indeed go to school and do ya thing and show her what kind of life she should have and live for her kids. Oh and make her get her tubes tied.

    She needs tough love. And even if she has to get  a dna test to prove those men are the fathers go ahead but make sure they are put on child support...God bless good luck keep me posted

  2. call child protective services,  If you love the kids, then they need protection and care that mom is not willing to provide

    Good Luck to you in making your life better

  3. please tell me that you aren't going to graduate college with grammer like that..or should i say PLZ tell me you aint gonna graduate skoll wit gramma like dat...did you understand it that time

  4. What do you mean "what should you do"?  These are her children and her responsibilities.  If she's your friend and you want to help her out, then that's wonderful.  If you feel like she's not being a fit mother, then why not sit down and talk to her about it?  Let her know that she needs to take care of her children or you are going to call social services so that they can remove the children and find them a family that CAN care for them.  Other than that, being 21 and taking care of 2 little ones on your own while very pregnant with a third is not an easy task.  Maybe she just needs some help and some encouragement while she gets her life together.  We all make mistakes.  Unfortunately, some people makes lots of mistakes lots of times.  There's nothing that you can do to change her though.  SHE has to want to have a better life.

    *Uh.... what does the black and white thing have ANYTHING to do with this scenario?  If she isn't taking care of her children, then report her to CPS.  All those other details have nothing to do with the situation.  I also agree with the person that said she doesn't take care of her children because you always are.  You need to sit down and tell her that SHE needs to be raising her children instead of you.  She's using you and you are allowing it.

  5. You should report her to CPS or call 1-800-4ACHILD. Maybe you can get custody of the children.  

  6. so? if she can take care of them good for her!  

  7. Tell your friend to have a hysterectomy or her tubes tied. She obviously has self-esteem issues if she has 3 kids under the age of 3 all by different dads.

    I would tell her that you can't watch them anymore and that she will need to put them in a daycare - in which case she will either have to watch the children herself or get a job.

  8. It's really admirable of you that you are worried about these children. Shows that you are more mature than your friend. If she just sleeps around next time she might be coming home with something else other than a baby (know what I mean) . Her priority should be her babies, not who her next fling will be with. What you should do is stop helping her out so much, really have her deal with her own concequences of her actions. And then lets hope she will see the light and get herself on birth control or just away from s*x all together. Most doctors wont tie tubes unless you have a medical condition until a woman is 30.  You have so much going for you and your friend shouldn't be getting in the way her mentality probably is "Well she'll take care of it" so basically she's using you. You're sweet and the children will appreciate you so much more when they are older than their mother.

  9. 3 future criminals.  Sad.  She should be sterilized immediately and the 3 kids taken away from her.  That's the right thing to do for all parties involved regardless of how harsh it seems.

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