
Friend is always canceling on me?

by Guest33540  |  earlier

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I have a friend that I go to the gym with, but the problem I have is that he is always canceling on me. I would say that about 60% of the time, he'll e-mail me and tell me that he can't go or is doing something else...and for the past week or 2, he'll say something like, "let's go to the gym on monday," and I show up at the gym on monday and he won't be there. I then go home to check my e-mail and there isn't even a response to why he didn't go!

He has said once or twice that he's sorry that he does it so often and is going to stop doing it, but I haven't seen any change whatsoever. Although he is one of my best friends, It's gotten to the point where I'm just getting sick of it and I know I need to do something about it. We communicate through e-mail most of the time, so I was thinking of just e-mailing him and letting him know that I don't want to hang out with him anymore. Is this the best thing to do? If not, what do you think I should do?

Here is what I was thinking of saying in the e-mail:

Hey "name", just wanted to let you know that I'll be going to the gym by myself or with "another friend" from now I won't be asking you to go anymore. I see that you have better things to do and that you don't even want to bother telling me that you won't be going (like today). No need to apologize or anything like that because I bet you don't agree with what I'm saying, so yeah..why bother apologizing for something you don't even agree with?

Anyways, good luck with everything and no hard feelings...I'm just tired of being bailed on over and over.




  1. Sounds like it might work.

    If you really want to be diplomatic:

    In light of your busy schedule, i have arranged for a replacement gym partner.

    All is under control, so don`t feel worried about me.

    Mysterious, non offensive, and still to the point :)

  2. I think your note would be in order, also tell him that you will lose no sleep over the fact that he doesn't care because you don't care either.

    Exercise should be fun fullfilling and with a person who cares and is

    responsible enough to keep an appointment. Truly he is not one of those people. You value yourself and your esteem enough to carry on with dignity.  Good Luck in finding a new partner.!!!

  3. The simple answer is he is selfish and you sound like a good person. Basically you can do better. x*x

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