
Friend is being really annoying =/ ?

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Right, she has a boyfriend (Oh here we go =P). Theyve split up like 4 times but always get back together. At first i thought he was a really decent, nice guy. I always persuaded her to not be so hard on him, he cant be perfect and some of the stuff he says he wont mean, or just doesnt think about. Like he tells her when she isnt looking "her best".

But then he cheated on her and they had a massive fight, split up but he got her back and now ive realised hes controlling. Whenever she decides she really cant be with him anymore he uses all his sweet talk c**p and "I cant live without you". She goes along with it EVERY time. She fancies another guy, says she doesnt love him but she wont dump him and i really dont understand it. She wont have it that theyre not meant to be, we nearly had a fight over it. I just dont see why she doesnt love him, fancies someone else, complains about him all the time, sometimes avoids him but wont hear a bad word said about him and keeps going out with him. Is she just doing this for the sake of having a boyfriend because it makes her feel good? Agh i really dont know but if i keep hearing about how bad he is and then how amazing he is all the time im going to shoot someone. What do i do when i talk to her and she wont listen?




  1. Its her life, its her problems! You don't need to put up with any thing that you have give her advice in, You have told her you opinion many times, and she doesn't listen, and later she come complaining!

    Just don't listen to her when shes talking about him1 Let her sink in her own glass of water! When she does that just get your music player and turn up the volume and turn up the volume, and shell see that its not you fault anything that happening to her!

  2. As frustrating as it is, you can't make her listen. She will have to figure this out for herself. As for your own sanity, you might want to distance yourself from her so you don't have to listen to the constant dramas. It will wear you down. You can still be a friend, but sometimes have to say, "I don't want to hear any more about it." Yeah, she'll probably be mad at you, but some people just seem to stay in dysfunctional relationships and there's not a thing you can do about it. Change the subject when she starts ranting.

  3. find another friend who agrees with you and sees what is going on as well, sit down with this person and discuss whats going on. tell her the pros and cons about the guy and  tell her that you are concerned and worried about her.  

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