
Friend is prettier than me? Yes I've asked before I just want more insight.

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My best friend lets call her "Carrie" is WAY prettier than me. She has dated like 13 guys older (not too much) and same age since we got into high school. I have dated a total of ZERO! She isn't a **** or anything, but the guys just like her way more. Well Carrie and I have a guy friend in common, but he is 14 and I'm 16 and Carrie is 17. The guy friend and I have been texting for awhile and Carrie and I text all the time. Carrie just recently quit an after school activity we all did together and she wanted his number, so I asked him and his exact text was "Ohh yea sure!" so I gave it to her and ever since he's been ignoring me and texting her! He told her she was pretty (because she usually texts people saying I'm ugly Im guessing that's what happened. When she SO isn't) & she was like "isn't that sweet?" and I just said yea. Then she texted me later saying "he sad u were to" and I just said ok. I'm really upset because I tried texting him today and he didn't text me back and I recently talked to Carrie on the phone and she said "the guy friends name" is texting me. I was so upset! She told me he said to her "If u ran around naked I'd take a pic." I was even more upset. Sorry this was so long, but I'm really upset, What on Earth should I do? I need some cheering up...




  1. it sounds like u like him or something and u are very insecure

  2. this is a hard situation. ive been stuck in it 2, but it got me thinking, y do we need a guy? WE DONT! so y should we care wether or not a guy says were pretty or not or likes us? i know it probably still bothers u, cuz it did me even tho i thought about all of that. but have u ever thought that maybe guys do like u or think ur pretty but they're just 2 shy 2 tell u?  

  3. ew...he is only 14...why waist your time...get something better.

    he just sounds like a horney 14 year old

  4. Wow that was kind of confusing, and why are you worried about a 14 year old anyways? Uhm, my boyfriend tells me guys are attracted to pretty girls but also confident girls, and he says sometimes confidence makes a girl prettier than she would be without it. You should try that. Rather than focusing on how much prettier you think she is than you, focus on the fact that you are pretty and that you can attract guys and the rest will come. Even if you don't believe it, if you act it out long enough it will become natural.

  5. She might be prettier and she might not be, that's not what matters. You could be the prettiest girl ever but if you act like an *** people won't like you. If he's not interesteded in you then it's his probleme. Try to make friends with people you never thought you would talk to cause maybe some body feels the same about you.

  6. Start some extracurricular activities without your friend.  That way you'll meet people (boys) and develop friendships (maybe more) with them without the risk of her interfering.

  7. It's your insecure personality that's holding you back.  Chill out!  


  9. It might help if you can pinpoint what exactly you are upset about.

    Your friend is pretty and gets a lot of attention; so? If it bothers you that much, don't hang out with her so much. Spend time with people whose company you enjoy.

    Or are you upset because you like this kid and he's interested in her? It's not worth being upset. There are a lot of guys out there.

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