
Friend is suicidal. I don't know what to do anymore.?

by Guest34113  |  earlier

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My friend is highly depressed. And has been for a while. she's talking about suicide, and she's saying no one can help her. Im telling her to go to counseling [sp]. Her family doesnt like her. Her bf broke up [there has been many problems]. She's going through a lot of ****. Ive been trying to help her for a while. She says that if she went to a dr, they would put her in an insane asylum [sp again]. She's going over the edge. She doesnt want anyone to help her. She hates herself.

What do I do =[




  1. The answer here is what to do to save her life. So what if she ends up in the insane asylum again. She is not thinking very sanely at this time. I am not a doc. but sounds like she needs meds and counseling. You can't make her do anything. She needs to be somewhere to be stablizied on some kind of meds. So she can get counseling. If you could commit her I would do that, but don't think you can because you are not family. I would have her sign some kind of agreement that if she has a plan on how to kill herself that she will tell you. put it on paper and have her sign it. also, if you have to call suicide hot line and tell them this story and see how they can help. I hope that you get some answers for this. This is serious! Last but not least please pray for her! Tell everyone that you know to pray for her. I will start praying for her! And you!

  2. your friend has  a lot of problems. you need to tell her to come stay with you and that you love her so much. se is your friend and if you wanna keep her alive, you've got to do everything you can. Get her a new boyfriend who will like. be her new family who will treat her well. You need to be everything  

  3. let her know your there. if i were you i wouldnt let her out of my sight. i would constantly be talking to her and omg i have no idea what i would really do. this is a horrible situaiton for you and im sorry that your put in this.

  4. Call her parents and tell them. Let them deal with the situation. I doubt that they don't like her. My guess is they are very tired of dealing with all her drama and her trying to get attention. Just call them and tell them. They need to know. Then it is out of your hands. Besides there really isn't anything you can do to help her anyway.

  5. The same thing happened to my friend, and I was put in the same position. I had my parents call the cops to do a "welfare check" on her. My dad called them a couple hours later and told him that "she's in a safe place". The hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. But it saved her life.

    You need to act before she commits suicide. At least have a significant other, parent, close friend who will call if you can't.

  6. There are two possibilities. Either she is seriously depressed and suicidal, or she's not and she's a major drama queen looking for attention. If you're both in school, talk to a guidance counselor or trusted teacher. Even if she told you in confidence, that it's a secret, this is one secret you can't keep. You are not a mental health professional and it's not your job as a friend to protect her from herself because, if she does try to commit suicide, it's out of your control. If you're both not in school, you can look up the local mental health agency or counseling center and give her the information, and maybe even offer to help her make an appointment. If you're that good a friend, it might be helpful to meet her parents and get a feel for the situation -- you may find it's not anything like she's describing it. People who are depressed and suicidal need professional help and evaluation and anything you can do to encourage that is great, but it's not your fault if she doesn't follow through.

  7. tell her to shut the h**l up and go see a physicist

  8. I wouldn't suggest anything.

    I would take action.

    If she isn't you should.

    This is the time you need to do something

    You should call a suicidal number for her.


    call the police.

    do you want to say goodbye to the friendship or the friend.

    if you help she will thank you in a year or two.

    if you don't she wont be there in a year or two.

    My bestfriend was going through the same thing.

    :) i hope i was of some help.

    Please help her.

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