
Friend is vomiting alot.?

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My best friend is really stressed out lately because her boyfriend cheated on her with another girl. Now shes not doing to good, has mood swings and is vomiting alot of the time. I told her I was worried and she said not to be because she felt sick all the time and it made her feel better. She also says its not always on purpose it just happens. She throws up after she eats alot and when she gets upset, should I be worried?




  1. It's possible that all of the stress is just causing her to feel sick..just try to keep her doing fun things that will take her mind off of it. If you think she's not telling you the truth and is making herself throw up, try to have a serious talk about it and ask her about it in about a week or so.

  2. She might be pregnant by the man she was cheating with. Oh, you didn't mention that? sorry.  

  3. Yes I think you should be worried but more importantly you should take action to helping her.

    If she is vomiting on purpose, and also not vomiting on purpose just because she eats gives me the idea that she is bulimic. And people who are bulimic don't always force themselves to throw up, it just becomes so natural to them. It probably even makes it so food seems a bit unappealing.

    I say that you tell her parents, or have her go to a mental hospital, routine therapy can help as well.

    good luck.

  4. Advise your friend to make an appointment to see her doctor.

    It sounds like there could be several reasons why she is getting sick.

    Her doctor needs to make the determination.

  5. I think that you are right to be worried.  Stress can definitely give you nausea, but uncontrolled vomiting is a problem.  So is vomiting "on purpose" to make oneself feel better.

    You need an adult to talk to.  Can you confide your worries to her parents? To yours? How about to a teacher, counselor or coach?  If non of these are available to you, I would call a local mental health hotline where you can talk to someone who can help you to determine whether or not your friend is at some real risk.

    Good luck!

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