
Friend isn't talking to me and i cant get to sleep at night?

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ok school is starting next week and my best friend isn't talking to me and i have no clue why to add to that i don't really have any other friends at school like her because she always makes me laugh, i know that I'm going to do much better at school and probably in the future be more successfull but i just cant get it out of my head at night i try not to think of it but i always endup sleeping on it

if it helps im 13

and im a grade a student

shes 13 and

a d grade student




  1. Catch up with her at school, whn no one else is around (or call her after school) & ask her what you did wrong.  She must think that you did something or she wouldn't stop speaking to you.  Tell her that you miss her & you're sorry.

  2. call her ask her 2 hang out. then hav a talk with her y she hasnt been talking 2 u.

  3. sometimes in life you have to forget about your ego and being hardhead and just call a person and talk to them and make things better. once its over you wont regret it. i lost 5 of my friends cuz of something i thought i didnt do, i dropped my ego called them all up and apologized for nothing, but everything is good now

  4. talk things out. people talk, understand and realize ;) your sleep will be better as soon as your consciousness gets more down-to-earth. good luck

  5. you'll make new friends, just be nice to everyone and don't talk smack about anyone. if she's immature enough to not talk to you and not tell you why, you don't want to be her friend anymore anyway. also, if you still do want to be friends, and you really didnt do anything wrong, she'll come back. they alwaysss do.

  6. You need to confront your friend, ask her why or you'll never know for sure.  Get it out in the open, you'll feel better.

  7. Why Dont You Shower More Often

  8. OMG! my friend did the exact same thing to me about a week ago! but she was a total cow, telling to **** off and everything, for no reason! so i told her to get stuffed! If that friend of urs isnt acting like a good enough friend then dont waste ur time with her! lifes short!

  9. Maybe she's jealous of you because you're a grade A and she's a grade D......but don't drop your grades just because of her....I'm assuming with grade you mean like what scores you get not what class you're in?

  10. Maybe she just needed a break from you.

    Somes times people get tired of seeing each other too much.

    Just go along with it and maybe once school starts she'll be fine.

    Good luck

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