
Friend isn't treating foal right?

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Okay, well i have this friend who has a filly at her house, the filly is a little over a week old at this point and yet my friend is being EXTREMELY rough with it. she is always pulling on it forcing it to lay down, but she does it in a mean way. i have tried to tell her that its rong, but she says that you have to to it. im afraid if i keep telling her this she will not let me see the filly anymore, can you help me figure out a way to make her understand without her getting mad at me?




  1. You can't report it without proof. Ask your friend if you can videotape it or do it secretly. Are there any wounds? You have to be very firm with foals, but not rough. Does the foal seem afraid of your friend? It may not be animal abuse, but it can look like it to someone who hasn't been around horses that much. They are very tough animals and may need that extra push. But if you think it really is animal abuse, trust your gut and see this web page about reporting it.

  2. Call your local Humane Society or the ASPCA and report her.  You don't usually have to give your name so she will not know who reported her unless you tell her.

    You could also tell her she isn't treating her foal right and if she doesn't stop, you will stop her with force if needed.  Maybe she needs to be smacked around a little!

    Whatever you do, get some help for that foal!

  3. You need to ask yourself a few questions.  Is she being abusive to the animal? Or do you just not like the way she's doing things? It is a baby afterall, it should be spending a fair amount of time laying down anyway.  Why is she making the filly lay down? If you're not sure, speak to someone in person and get their opinnion.

  4. Thats rude.

    You should probably shove HER down

    or force her on a couch for 10whole hours.

    See if she likes that!

  5. Get on a computer with a printer, and look up abusing foals, print the page and make her read it. Good luck!

  6. THAT POOR FOAL!!! what has come of our world! you have a tough situation! i'd say call aspca for animal cruelty if you aren't close friends. but if you are really close friends just tell her "look i don't mean to be rude or anything i'm just thinking what's best for the foal, you are being WAY to rough with him, you keep saying that is the only way to teach him but it's not let me show you a better way. please. I'm not trying to brag or boss i'm helping you." maybe she'll understand! Good Luck!!!

  7. forcing a foal to lay down can cause joint problems later in life and can cause ligiment problems also.week old foals have a tendancy to lay around a lot anyway so why would she need to force a foal need to tell her parents that she is being rough with the foal and let them deal with her and make sure you tell your parents about it too.

  8. I have never had a foal, but i know lots of people who have and thats no way to treat a foal. And a little filly thats a big no no. What does she want this foal to grow up and be aggresive. Because thats were she is heading. WHy is she doing this,  i mean why does she think thats what you have to do.

    here is a video on how you should train a week old filly. There are lots of videos of this foal and he growing up. make her watch them.

    Try telling your friends parents.

    Because what she is doing is abusing this foal, and that is against the law.

    Try telling her that by doing that she is abusing it, and thats not they way to train a foal. That all she is going to do is make it mean, and not trust her.

    I really dont think she should have even had this foal if she doesnt know how to train it. That is something she should have read, and if she had read anything about foal training she would have known that what she is doing is wrong.

    make your friend read this

  9. Omg please report her! That baby horse needs you! Its up to you to save her. It doesn't matter if ur friend is mad or not. If you help this baby horse it will be one step forward to stopping animal cruelty. Please!!!!

  10. let her read these answers. you wont be telling her. we will.

  11. Call the ASPCA on her. I don't care if she's your friend, but she is abusing a young filly and if she continues doing this the filly will be messed up for life. You've told her that this is wrong and not how a foal should be treated, and she refuses to stop. This is abuse, so call the ASPCA. Even if your friend never talks to you again, I would rather have an angry friend and a sane filly than an OK friend and a messed up filly. PLEASE HELP THAT POOR FILLY!!!

  12. where is the fillys mum

  13. I agree with those who have said you haven't given enough information - what do you mean when you say "in a mean way"?  Has she told you why she is trying to get the filly down?

    I know that when we were halter breaking colts it was often looked a little on the rougher side - they'd sometimes throw themselves down trying to get out of being tied, and there was usually a good bit of fighting the rope.   The thing is, it's better in the long run for the horse to get accustomed to being handled and obeying when they are young, rather than have to pit human strength against a bigger stronger colt.

  14. ask her why shes making it lay down. if she doesnt have a good reason, report her.

  15. Throw her to the ground with extreme force sit on top of her and ask her how she likes it.

    Tell her if she doesnt stop it you will either have to :

    A: Punch her lights out or

    B: Report her cruel actions to someone that can deal with her

    Where is the fillys mum by the way I hope she kicks seven bells out of her for doing that to her baby.

  16. I agree with Jeff Saddler on this one... You gave too vague of a description of what's really going on. what may seem cruel or "mean" to you may not be that at all.

    My advice is if you're truly worried about the situation let the girl's parents, or another horse-savvy adult know whats going on. They should know if what's going on is really a sign of abuse or not, and will make the right decision on what to do about it.

    I have seen many people teach their horses to lay down, and let me tell ya, it's not the most graceful looking thing I've seen...

  17. I own 5 horses and that not the proper way to treat a poor little filly.  Call your local Ascpa and tell them about this its complete animal abuse.  Also tell your parents and her parents to.

  18. dont let her do that!  tell her everything that you think about the situation

  19. This is wrong it is a sort of abuse the horse will be scared of humans and hard to catch hen it gets older it might also get agressive. I am raising an orfaned filly right now and i would never do this she is 6 weeks old and a miniture that weighs 35lbs so tell your friend that this is abuse and that the horse will start to hate humans and run and even could get agressive towards her

  20. Two things first I am not hearing enough of a description to scream ABUSE.  That is nonsense since we only have you saying she pulls the filly to the ground in a mean way.  

    First--define mean?  I did not hear you say she was hitting it or anything.  Just that she was pulling it down in a way YOU consider mean.  Perhaps if anyone else saw the same thing they would not consider it mean.  Tell us more.

    Second--Like it or not the filly is hers.

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