
Friend needs help on homework questions and we dont have toddlers around?

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arrange to observe a child between 2 and 6 yrs of age about 20-30 mins. Observe during a time when the child is freely playing with other children or toys. How does the child use language?? please no one respone and say kids are lazy these days because we dont have children,or younger siblings...




  1. try calling the elementary school you went to and see if they'll let you do the observation in a kindergarten class after school. You can also ask preschools in your area to let you do the observation there. If you need more help ask your teachers for advice.

    There's nothing we can tell you about how children act you need to see it for yourself. the way they use language will depend on the age and social development of each child. You should really do this observation, it's really interesting to see how children interact with eachother.

  2. My children were playing about an hour ago, just random not really with a specific toy. I actually was noticing how they where communicating with each other. My son (five) would tell my daughter(3) what to say.

    For example:

    He said:  "Alice what book are you reading?"

    she said: "I'm reading the ants book."

    He said: " No Alice you don't say that you are supposed to say "I am reading the A book"."

    I thought it was kind of funny. They kept playing for about an hour and were talking fine the rest of the time. Until they started fighting.

  3. they;ll probobly stare at you and start smiling alot if you are in the rrom. (2 yr old) boys usually play with cars and make noise with their mouth,with  flying lego people and planes crashing into the ground :) haha

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