
Friend not caring anymore?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well last year I went through a really bad depression but I had a friend who helped me through it. Throughout my depression I was mentally unstable, constantly yelling at him one second and thanking him the next but he never showed any weakness. After I was put on a new medicene I was 100 times better but still a little depressed occasionally. Once I got better my friend seemed to be more depressed then me, telling me that he would randomly break down crying and have bad mood swings. Naturally I felt beyond awful and did I could to help him but he seemed not to want my help and he later told me he hated me for what I put him through. After he said that things immediately got better for us and he said that he forgived me and that I was a good friend who cared so much about him. After all of this leads to my current situation. My friend will be friendly with me but when I got depressed fairly recently, just telling him that I felt awful (I never will resort to my previous form of depression and we both know it) he says he doesn't like talking about it because that's not how his personality is. if I say anything like "i'm glad we're best friends" he accuses me of being obsessed with friendship. If I say anything emotional at all he gets really upset at me. I've noticed he is spending less time around me then he had in the past and gets upset when I question him about it. I miss the old caring version of my friend so much but whenever I talk to him to help cheer me up he just ignores me. I love my friend and I've been crying myself to sleep for the past 3 weeks just wanting him to.. I guess love me as a friend again. This is ironically the only real reason I'm depressed now. Will he ever go back to the way he was? Did I corrupt him? I feel so guilty and sad. He did everything for me and he was the best friend I've ever had. I really am having depressive problems again and had to call a suicide hotline last night.




  1. You should not fell responsible for his chage of behavior!!

    Everybody has the liberty of being what they are! Don't guilt yourself!!

    It just seems like your friend has changed...sometimes, people grow appart, roads lead in different dirrections...

    Sad to say but, if he can't be there for you in the hard times, he's not the kind of friend you need.

    Real friends will be there for the good and the bad...and they sure won't says stuff like: your bring me down... etc.

    I know it hurts but, you seem to have matured through out your depression and, he hasn't...

    You'll have to either take him as he is, or find new good friends that will stick with you for better and for worst!!

    Good luck;)

  2. I simply think he's scared as h**l.  I think he's such a good friend that he's almost at times a reflection of you (emotionally) because you influence him so much.  But lets be honest-its so hard being around someone whose struggling with something like depression because its so contagious.  He's pushing this away, he hated feeling like that and naturally in order to make sure he would never feel like that he began to push everything that reminds him of that (depression) away in order to maintain a sense of sanity.   Its your turn now to be there for him, he's done his best to help you so much so that he became depressed himself and I know you don't/never intended for this.  He is no longer  someone you should vent to you need someone that is experienced with this (ie psychiatrist).  Remember he does love you as a friend but again he is scared-you need to be sensitive to this.  I know I may sound mean but I geniunely want you to keep your friend because he sounds awesome and you guys have an amazing friendship thats just in the middle of a glitch, but no biggy you guys will be fine-be positive.    

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