
Friend problem? please help full points best answer?

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my bff lately is hanging out with a new crowd n getting into lik pot n having s*x n is always blowing me off but shes lik i come 2 u when times get hard but i feel lik whats the point you kno? any suggestions on wat 2 do? thx




  1. Hi. I know this can be a tough situation for you. But, the previous guy is right, your friend may need you in the future and it will be good that you are there for her. But at the same time, if your friend doesn't change there may be a point where she is starting to take advantage of you. She may lean on you constantly for help and never consider your feelings. So watch out for that. If the relationship becomes too emotionally draining, make sure you let her know. If nothing changes, I'd let her go her own way. In the mean time, meet new people and don't dwell on it too much...good luck!  

  2. find a new friend and ditch your old one.

  3. Hun don't give up on your friend cause she's taking a different path than you .... stay, be,there for her.she'll need you more than ever soon.she's your best friend no one else knows her as a friend like you do.

  4. Forget her. Birds of a feather flock you really want ppl to think you're apart of that flock? if she wants to ruin her own life, then she can, but don't let her drag you down too.

  5. I agree with the others find a new friend. And if she comes back to you wanting to be friends again, just tell her how you felt about when she went off. She isnt a good friend if she chose other girls over her BFF!!!

    Good Luck  

  6. If I were you, I would seek out a new best friend, But always be there for that old friend if she needs to talk. You never know what could happen. Be the best friend she could ever have (that does NOT mean letting her mooch off of you and take advantage of you.) Just be nice, but find some new friends.

    Hope that helped.

    Good Luck!

  7. I agree, find a new bff, this one is bad news for you and will start to pressure you into this stuff.  Sounds like she wants you as a friend but doesn't want to be a friend to you.

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