
Friend problems help please?

by Guest61531  |  earlier

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i have a big group of friends and sometimes its hard to be noticed, im really nice so sometimes i think people can take advantage over that but the thing is that i sometimes say a stupid remark once in a while but they always make it into a big thing and say im a dumb blonde or stupid. im not the only one who makes jokes though but when i say it, the joke is stupid. i just wanted to know if there was a way for me to be noticed and stand out. also i tried talking but nobody really listens.




  1. Doesn't sound like real friends I would find new people to hang out with that value your opinion and who actually want to talk to you and have you around. Don't waste your time being the butt of everyone's joke. There will be a lot of resentment in your "friendship."

  2. do you really want to be friends with people who dont listen you. these people arnt your friends if they take advantage of you if all  they do is ignore you. your not stupid you just need to find friends who appreciate you for the lovely person you are. you are entitled to an opinion hun. make some new friends you obviously dont find that to hard then they will see what they are missing. good luck xxxx

  3. i really don't think there your friend and deep down i think you know that also

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