
Friend problems? please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have two bestfriends, but our school is filled with alot of clicks. The popular crowd wants me to hangout with them, but they don't like my friends. Lets just say my two friends aren't very popular. I would rather hangout with my friends but i still want to be friends with he popular people. And whenever i sit with my friends they poulars will get mad at me. I don't want to loose either of there friendships. But i know the populars don't treat me like they should. But one of my friends will get mad at me if i sit with the populars. So idk what to do! I want to be friends with both but i cant! please help!




  1. really your friends will be there for you and the other so called "popular" kids wont, they most likely don't care a thing about you. . .  friends first girl, if they are true real friends then you shouldn't chance losing them because you want to be popular by not hanging with them.

    Don't make a stupid mistake you will regret. . .  

  2. I can't believe how some woman are controlled by

    the outside.

  3. If you really like your old pals and they have been good friends to you, they are worth keeping.  If the click wants you to toss your old friends under the bus, they will do the same to you some day as they don't respect friendship.  Good friends are hard to find, don't betray them just so you can act all uppety with the snooty new friends.    

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