
Friend question?

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Do you think freinds with benfits is wrong?




  1. I don't think it is wrong, but I definitely think it could get complicated very easily. It's difficult to have that kind of situation for very long without someone getting emotionally attached. It's not something to enter into lightly.

    However, if both parties take the necessary health precautions (getting tested, birth control, practicing safer s*x) and understand exactly what they are getting into, I think it can be a good thing. s*x can be a great stress reducer, it burns calories and it's fun, so if you're without a girlfriend/boyfriend, a friend with benefits can be quite useful. Just be careful.

  2. Do you feel he is pressuring you, I usually just shoot pool with mine

  3. sometime

  4. Yup.  Lots of people start to develop feelings for the other person.  It messes up with how you develop relationships in general.  Don't get me started on the STD spreading.  Most people who say they can handle it really can't.  I know a married couple who were originally friends-with-benefits.  I'm absolutely positive that the female in the relationship probably wouldn't have been able to live with herself if that friends-with-benefits situation didn't turn into a real relationship.

  5. Nope, just so long as both people involved know that they are simply friends with benefits and not dating or whatever.

  6. i wouldnt do it............emotions might get involve

  7. Yes.  Who gets the benefits?  Women form emotional attachments to men they sleep with usually.  That situation can get out of hand quickly when one person is emotionally involved and the other one isn't.

  8. If I didn't have morals--things I thought were right and wrong--I'd probably have friends with benefits. But I do think s*x belongs only in marriage--so my answer unless you agree with me--is useless to you...I do think that having a friend with benefits might be giving you a lot of potential for hurting each other though...that part at least bears some thinking about.

  9. That depends on whether or not the benefits include a good dental plan.

  10. This is totally up to you! Why should I make a decision.
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