
Friend signed over temp custody. How do i get child support promised.(colorado)?

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She was unable to take care of sixteen year old daughter so wife and

i took her over. We printed temp custody papers and had them notarized and in that it says she pays 400.00 a month for rent and such. We have not seen a dime. Been 4 months.Does that hold water and do we sue? Any help please running out of money.




  1. It sounds like to you are just doing it for the money.   If you could not afford the kid without depending on the "real mom" you should not have taken her. You knew her mom "could not take care of her" while she was with her, why would you expect her mom to be able to give you money ( quote from your question "She was unable to take care of sixteen year old daughter so wife and i took her over..")

    your temp. custody papers may or may not hold water in "court", it really depends on the "wording" and the laws of the state.  

    in addition, by not sending the child home (her mothers)or to the CYFD (foster care) the moment the mom stopped paying you may be giving up your "right" to any money because you kept her after money was not received.  

    Since you are "NOT" a blood relative you may not be able to keep if you go through the "state". Especially, if the "real mom" is mad at you for wanting money. You may have to become a foster parent in your state. Also talk to any blood relatives of the child that you know, make sure they will be able to take her until you can if the state wants you to become a certified foster parent.

    I have been the child in this situation (but I was 13) and the family friend that "took me in" was not happy with the amount of money they were getting from my parent so they went to CYFD to "get custody", thinking they would be able with no problem. I ended up in foster care for four months until I convinced them to let me go home with my parent.  It takes time and money to become a foster parent and the family friend that I thought loved me like her own never became a foster parent so she could get me out of there.

    if you are intent on getting custody and child support make sure your are a foster parent first so the kid does not end up there (it sucks).

    if the real mom is paying child support to you she should get visitation and stuff like that, it would be like you got a divorce and have shared custody. If you are trying to keep the kid from her mom and "adopt" her you don't get child support for kids you adopt.

    At sixteen the girl is almost old enough to take care of herself, look into getting her emancipated.  

    "A parent cannot transfer custody except on a very limited basis, generally three months or less. The mother would have to relinquish her parental rights through the court procedures as required by the state in which she lives. The person who now has the child could petition the court for guardianship or a request for adoption.

    However, the biological father would have to be notified of the procedure(s) and has the legal right to contest any and all if he so chooses. It is best that such matters be handled by a qualified attorney and in the matters of guardianship or adoption it is a requirement"


  3. do it for the love of the child not for the love of money God will bless you 10 times if you take care of one of child's

  4. the papers should hold up in court since you had the notarized (making the a binding contract) I would call family court and tell them what yall have and you haven't seen any money and see what they say.  hope i helped..  

  5. if you filed the notarized custody papers with the local courthouse in your county, yes it should hold water. you will have to file a civil suit against her. however, even with this you still might not get the support money you need. there are different laws concerning child support for different states, it just depends. our state says, if they don't pay for consecutive 90 days they lose their licence. then it will be recoreded what is owed for however long, and the only way to receive it is for them to file taxes and it comes straight to the person it is owed to. there are alot of "deadbeat" dads that work for cash or not at all for this reason. it will eventually get paid, but it could be years. my mil is just starting to get $100 weekly for my husband. HE IS 32. so it just depends. i think the only state that forces a person to work for child support is colorado. i could be wrong though. as far as i know, no law states anywhere that someone can be forced to work to pay the support. they might be arrested, jailed or their license taken away but none of these things gives you the money that is owed. if you didn't file the custody papers with the courthouse, you probably won't get very far. you might try an attorney, but, jsut like everything else, she may not show up, she will say she never signed any papers etc. i have been through this before. good luck!!

    i have a binding contract and legal papers with the courthouse for my sons support-my ex was laid off 8 months ago. i haven't received support since then. it is steadily building, but i won't receive anything unitl there is somewhere for it to come from. they already have taken his drivers license also.

  6. Do you actually have an official order for support from the court?  If not, this would be your first step.  If you do have an order of support, contact your states Child Support Enforcement Agency, they should be able to help you.  

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