
Friend smoked pot... should i believe and trust her?

by  |  earlier

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my current gf and i just got back together. we took a break for a lil while and she knows i dont like pot and she knows i wont date a pot smoker... she was planning to smoke it again with her friend... but now she says she wont smoke pot ever again... should i believe her? seems she smoked pot 1 time when her and i were together but over the break she smoked with her cuz and was planning to smoke with her friend...




  1. Why not?  You were together so she said she wouldn't smoke.  You broke up and she did.  But you weren't together then so the fact that you "won't date a pot smoker" wouldn't matter since you weren't dating her.

    She didn't lie to you about it and she hasn't smoked while you were together since you explained your position.

    Why wouldn't you trust her?

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