
Friend <span title="addvice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">addvice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest33379  |  earlier

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ok so theres a boy. his mom and my mom were BEST friends in high school and years later.

and her son and me were playin together like 3 monthes after we were born.

and we were BEST friends untill 1st grade.

we went to different schools.

and i havent seen him since then and that was 8 years ago. and now we go to the same middle school.

and its SO awkward cuz he has a ton of friends that i dont know.

and i want to become best friends agian.

but i dont no what to say. i was gonna send him a myspace letter but idk what to say. we talk a little because we sit next to eachother in a class. but he just says funny comments about the teacher and i laugh and blush. cuz he is REALLY CUTE but i dont want people to think i like him, even tho ALL my friends like him.

and im soo confused!!

and i dont want to say anything wrong and for him to think im weird or dumb.

and i dont want him to think im trying to hard or too less.

plplplplzplzplzplzplzplzpzlpzlpzlzplzp... plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. just ask him to hangout!

    if he&#039;s cute and you&#039;ve known him for FOREVER, there&#039;s no reason you guys can&#039;t hangout!

    and hangout with his friends too! he should at least introduce you to them

    and def send him funny myspace comments and stuff just so you guys talk outside of school a little

    you&#039;d be surprised how fast you can become better friends with someone off myspace or aim or texting

    good luckk!

  2. I totally know how u feel! my old best friend and I went through this too... just approach him and say something like &quot;HEY so its been a while.. we used to be like best friends! We should totally start hanging out again!&quot; Make plans to go do something fun like bowling or a movie.. and if u think it be too awkward with just u 2.. ask him to invite a couple of his friends, then u can become friends with them too! :D Just do it with confidence. He might look a lot different but hes pretty much the same guy you knew in 1st grade. Don&#039;t be nervous. Just act lyk he never left and ur still good friends. He&#039;lldefinitelyy be interested in hanging out.

  3. WTF. G3T UR SHy AS &amp;&amp; TALK TA HiM!

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