
Friend trouble! can you help?

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ok do me and my friend are in a fight let me tell you what happened

i became friends with some one she dose not like, and no one else in her trailer park does. and now she is saying that she cant hang out with me because her dad doesn't like her. that doesn't mean she cant hang out with me! i don't get it. she can't choose my friends for me, i have to. and then she saying that I'm making fun of her because she doesn't have a mom...(that's not true, i would NEVER do that to her)

whats her problem? and she like all weid on me saying "you dont know whats it like being me... blah blah my life ant to pretty either. i have my own problems that i could cry about but i dont. i move on

so what do you think? any opinions are welcome :)

but not the mean ones




  1. Sounds like your friend thinks that you befriending other people will have you forget her. All those other statements she said were probably her way to make you feel bad for her and/or release the feelings of what she has went through.

    And that dad thing? Just promise to him you won't bring that disliked friend you have when you come over. If he still refuses, get an answer from him. Possibly your friend persuaded him as a method to stop seeing you? He thinks that you will be influenced by your other friend? I nor do anyone else knows his reason except him and possibly your friend.

    So just confront this in another way by either:

    a.) Peacefully asking her the true reason for the random hate on you

    b.) If A is already asked, say something like, "Just because I befriend other people doesn't mean I'm going to forget about you. I'm always here for you through thick and thin. Just call me when you really want to talk this out." and then hung up. It might take a few minutes, hours, days, etc. but she'd probably be more kinder and respond (in a nice way of course). Then you guys will be friends again. :)

    Good luck.

  2. i dont see why she cares who else you hang out with unless the person your hanging out with is bad.

  3. she may be on that part of the month and for the father thing part I think that it is just that her father is stuck up with himself and thinks only of himself and thinks FOR his daughter

  4. You should be saying this to her.Go find her and spend some time with her and tell her how you feel.Maybe she can learn to like this other girl too.Just be open and honest.It can't hurt.

  5. interesting situation...maybe you should explain to your friend why you like hanging out with this new girl, and the things they have in common, don't list a ton of things though, because then, your stuck with her thinking you like the other girl more.  

  6. Hm.

    It sounds like she is jealous that you

    1) Became friends with someone she is not comfortable with - plus, you never know what went on between them to prompt the dislike in the first place.

    2) She probably thinks your going to become better friends with her so she's taking extra measures to separate herself from you.

    3) The other friend has some dirt or secret about her that she doesn't want you knowing about or knows she'll lie to you lie about her

    4) Doesn't want to associate with you because noone likes your new friend

    hope that helps =)

  7. Just go with your instinct. Sounds like you're a nice person, so learn to believe it and **** the rest of them

  8. Sounds like a right cow.

    If i was you id ask her what her problem is say to her that you can be friends with who you want to be. Make sure you tell her that shes welcome to hang around with you but she has to accept that you have other friends aswell.

    If not, tell her where to go.

  9. Her dad might not want her to hang with u because u hang with this other girl becuz she may be a bad influence on u and inturn onto his daughter. Or she may feel that because she's not allowed to be near this girl, ur gonna choose the other girl over her. and that she's gonna lose you to her. And maybe someone else said u said that about her along time ago, and now that she feels like shes loseing u, it may be a desperate attempt to keep communacation lines going long enough for somthing to happen, either good or bad is up to you.

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