
Friend trouble!? help if you can!!?

by Guest45362  |  earlier

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okay so i moved form california to canada and i recently went to visit my friend in cali. we went to a concert and the band asked if we had brought our best friend i screamed but so did the other girl that came with us later when i was sleeping over my Friend said she felt awkward when the tag along screamed then she has these pics with another friend who i feel is taking my place i'm worried that i will lose my friend and sad that she is best friends with this new girl in the pics!




  1. i know the feeling i've had that happen to me plenty of times, sometimes people change and they move on.. just remember you are uniue in your own way and noone can ever take your place but even if you feel like they have there's always going to be something different between you and your "replacement" cherish old friends but continue making new ones... i guess thats just how life goes.. just dont let your memories fade away.. and if your lucky you'll be able to fully rekindle the great friendship you once had with that person.

  2. People come and go hunny.

    Sure you guys will always be good buds,

    and just because she's making more/new friends

    dosen't mean she is replacing you.

    true friendships last forever, some just may be hidden

    a little deeper in the heart.

    Next time you go to California ask her if just the two of you

    can hang out :] let the good times role,  

  3. If she told you she felt awkward then I think she felt that way because of the other girl screaming it, not you. With you moving away, it doesn't mean you can't continue to be best friends, its just that you'll have many other friends too, to take the place of each other. I had a best friend since kindergarten, we went to school thru 12th grade. Hung out all the time until early 20's, then kinda went our own way. She moved about 100 miles away and for years we maybe made contact every couple of years or so, but it was as if we never were separated. It's now been close to 40yrs and we see each other nearly every 6 weeks or so. We can't believe that only 100 miles kept us apart for so long. I guess what I'm saying is, good friends and buddies will come and go, but lifelong friendships stay together forever, even when there's distance between them.

  4.      It sounds to me that you are feeling somewhat jealous,  Stop worrying yourself. So what she has new friends in her life, that should not have anything to do with you'll friendship. If your best friend is a true friend, she will always remain and be a part of your life no matter how much distance separates you two. Ask yourself, would you have preferred for your friend to not meet new people, to not enjoy herself, and be happy because you moved away. Believe me you will eventually meet someone in Canada who you will become close friends with and your best friend in California will still be your friend.  

  5. can u please rite that again

    its confusing  

  6. Just tell her what happened and tell her how much you like her and why. Let her know the tag along is cool but definitely not a threat to your friendship. Let her know you are going to be bff for life.

    This will make a bad situation a great one.

    Hope this helps.


  8. It is only Natural that you're friend will make a new friend.

    Maybe u Can talk to her about this. Or how about u All be Friends :P

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