
Friend troubles, Not in a clique, what should i do?

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Ok so here goes

Well this has been my problem for about a year now and its really starting to affect me now.

So i used to be in a group of friends but i broke away from them because we wernt as close anymore,

So after that i thought i would just make new friends from other groups and eventually have a steady group of friends again but it hasnt happened.

I am friends with lots of people from all different groups but thats all it ever comes to, i have lots of friends but no best ones and i used to like the freedom of it but now i feel so alone and in class im fine with everyone but i always spend my lunches and breaks at school going home.

Its really getting me down. what should i do? Maybe im just not best friend material./




  1. I know! Why have one best friend while there are great groups you can sit with everyday. It sounds like your discluding yourself from everyone else. You said you were friends with a lot of different groups, well then why not sit with each of them everyday if your friends with everyone. They won't mind. You could sit with a different group everyday and eventually you'll find a terrific group on your own.

  2. You are not alone in this situation.  There are many people who have the same problem.  Try finding a person whom you like quite well, and become friends with them.  Just find one at a time, and don't strive for the clique.  A clique is another name for a gang.  You probably are not in that mind mode.  Start staying at school anyhow during your lunches and breaks, and you will find someone.  It's not easy--- Toni D.  

  3. Find a healthy group to click with. One that you can really relate to. Even if it's just one person. Focusing your energy on fewer people will build stronger bonds instead of spreading your time amongst everyone.  

  4. Don't think that you aren't best friend material. Just try joining a group instead of trying to make your own. I had the same problem in the past, all you do is find someone who you have a lot in common with and join their group. :)

    Good luck.

  5. try joining a club,  meet new people.  remenber to have a friend you must be one.

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