ok im a 24 year old male single father and my best friend is an 18 year old female. i see her like a little sister and i try my best to be there for her as much as i can be. she is currently seeing a 26 year old guy that is a on the road truck driver and he is only home on the weekends. i know she isnt as happy as she can be while with him, and here reciently she has been trying to get with this 24 year old guy that is a total mooch. he has no job, car, money, lives in a really trashy trailer park, etc. etc. i have seen him personally take approx. 5 or 6 pills that wernt perscribed to him at a local bar where i was playing pool. when i asked my friend about it she told me that he does take pills and now she is taking them with him and also buying them for him as well. in the last 2 weeks she has almost killed herself 2 times from being depressed (could it be the pills she is taking i think they are called roxys) i have tried to talk to her but it seems i cant get through to her at all. she just tells me to mind my own fn busisness i really dont want to see her walk down the wrong path but at the same time she is stressing me out to a new level in which i have never been stressed before. i can hardly eat, sleep, constantly worrying about her and now it has got to the point where im coming home and going right to bed and hardly spending time with my little man. im to the point where im about to just snap and tell her if she is going to do this i dont want to talk to her anymore. i cant take it. should i just forget about her? or should i stay by her side and possibly ruin the life that i have made for me and my son please give me advice