
Friend troubles????????????????

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Okay, so I have this friend. We have been friends forever, but recently she has been forcing her opinions on me. When American Idol was on, I liked David Cook and she like David Archeluta, and when I told her I like Cook, she told me like a list of things of why he is really stupid, stuck up, and full of himself. And whenever I even mentioned David Cook, she said something like "I cannot believe you like him." I sent her an email saying that I would appreciate it if she stopped that, and then she kept on doing it but added on a "No offense" on the end. (The offense was taken, by the way.) Now for the elections, I prefer Obama, and now she is all saying that he is horrible and that I should like McCain instead. I mean, she is only basing her opinion on her parents (I actually watched presidential debates and stuff while she thought they were boring.) Its like she wants me to be her robot, and have all her opinions! I HATE saying my opinions around her, becuase she ALWAYS puts me down and I am sick of it! What should I do?




  1. You should just ignore it because she can't decide things for you.

  2. Tell her how you feel. Let her know that it's great that she has opinions, but you should be able to state yours without being made fun of. Give her reasons for your opinions, but don't make fun of hers. If she continues to make fun of yours tell her that it's not very nice to say those mean things. Let her know how afraid you are of saying your own opinions because of all that she's been saying.

    Communicate your problem with her and I'm sure everything will turn out fine.

    Good Luck! ;)

  3. ignore her...either her comments, or her altogether until she gets the hint that you're annoyed. or give her hella attitude about it like rolling your eyes when you defend your opinion like: should go for mccain

    ...well i would expect you to know since you dont even (roll your eyes while finishin) watch the debates, you idiot.  

  4. well um u should tell her leave me alone and u should be able to speak your own opinion and she's not a very good friend and i like obama to i have the same kind of friend and i cant stand her and im about to dump her as a friend and just be yourself and if u want to talk to me more about it or become like online buddies you can email me at thanks bye

  5. even though you guys are bffs u should be ur own person dont let her tell u what u think

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