
Friend turned into a perv ?

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i have this guy friend from this church group i chat with online sometimes and he asked me a personal preverted question...

about shaving private... you know.

and of course i was sicked out.. i told him that was disrespectful to ask me and he anwered like " what are you hiding. so you dont ? " then telling me not to play " stupid " with him..

should i cut him off ? he kinda scared me today i told him it was preverted to ask yet he gets mad at me for not answering!




  1. he's a gross

    tell him to stop asking you weird questions

    what were you guys talking about anyways?

  2. He does not respect you. Friends respect your wishes. Let him go and have a brother or someone get the point across. Not violence! If I lived there I would do it for you.

    Best of luck!

  3. Yes, you need to stop chatting with this guy.  You did the right thing, telling him that it was disrespectful.  The only mistake you made is continuing to talk to him after that.

    So what if he gets mad?  He has lost any pretense of courtesy by his extraordinarily rude questions. If he gets mad at you and makes any kind of threats, PRINT THE CONVERSATION, and talk to your parents.  Otherwise, feel free to ignore him.  If he persists, then bring it up in the next church group meeting -- don't mention his name, but bring it up in public, where everyone can discuss it and he can realize just how far he crossed the line.

  4. So, that means you don't?

    Lol, anyways, if you feel uncomfortable and threatened, cut him off.  If he was sorry, stay with him unless he does it again.  He was probably horny or something.

    @ ::its reality, love:: ♥ - You know, people don't talk like that.  I hate people who try and act all smart by using "big words" when in reality you don't know any more words than anyone else, you sadistic hypocritical wannabe-anarchist following the mainstream media's ideologies.

  5. uuuuurghhh!...i hate these kinda guys!...he is such a Perv!...if i were you, i wouldn't have even ask this Question here..i would have just blocked and deleted that guy right away!...seriously..i think you should just block him...because it is REALLY DISRESPECTFUL!!...and if he comes to talk to you at the church just IGNORE HIM!..and if he still doesn't understand,JUST TELL YOUR PARENTS about him!

    Hope my advice helps!

  6. If he gets mad because you don't feel comfortable sharing that kind of personal info with him, I would cut him off. Doesn't sound like he is getting the kind of Christian guidance he needs.

  7. omg he IS a perv!!!

    totally cut that fool off that's totally inappropriate!

    tell him to "Bug off you pervert and go be a c**p-load-monkey-butt-ignoramous to somebody else!"

    tell your parents.  and his.

    he's a b******e.

  8. teenage boys are just perverted. i have a guy friend, who got better about it, but is still annoying. once his friend was over at his house (i was too) and they started talking about vanessa hudgens in a really perverted way, so we went on like a 2 hour long war in his house it was awesome. apparently i won cuz after that they stopped. you could try that! thats always fun. :D if you only talk to him online though, you could just stop talking to him every time he does it. he might get the hint. might.

  9. yea thats is perverted. thats only your personal business and nobody else should know. ive been asked that too and i replied "why you want to know? aint like your gonna see it." but also consider this. most male minds are perverted.

    tell him to buzz off and leave you alone. if he continues, block him.

  10. wow ow  that was rude of him!!! ♥ i wudnt even ask my best friend that question, an instead of apologizing he yells at u an gats mad!! u dunt need to feel aney obligation to keep talkign to soemone who makes u uncomfortable, the three step internet rule!!

    1) stop

    2) block

    3) tell an adult

  11. your kinda really uptite you should have just played dumb i guarantee that he would not have asked you straight up exactly what he was meaning

  12. just leave him if hes the age I think he is hes going through a time where hes trying to kicks off of girls and stuff just leave him. Its better to hang out with girls anyway because they understand what your going through

  13. He has no right to expect an answer to that question. His parents may haul him to church every Sunday, but they obviously haven't raised him very well.

    You don't have to explain yourself or justify yourself. He's the one who was in the wrong. Cut him off. If you keep talking to him, you'll be sorry. This guy's sense of entitlement is a little on the scary side.

  14. Maybe it was just a question? :O

    Guys out there ask pretty weird questions nowadays lol

  15. He's playing head games with you.  You already KNOW you should stop talking to him.  He's bad news, disrepectful and obviously trying to "manipulate" you into doing things you don't want to do.

  16. Show him you have respect for yourself..

    Cut him off.

  17. If it's online than just don't talk to him online.

  18. Hes a bully and a perv...tell him to f*** off for talking to you like that.

  19. It was a personal, inappropriate question, to be sure. Not what I'd call "perverted" though, just normal teenage boy curiosity.  Being curious and acting on it are two different things of course.  You straightened him out, he tried to throw it back on you, which compounded his ungentlemanly conduct.  So you cease to be friends and move on.  Period.

  20. uhm do the oblivious and cut hiim out dont talk to him

  21. Totally agree with the second post. (Smith)

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