
Friend withdrawal? please answer! =)?

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Ok so I have been friends with my bff for like a year but we're super super close. We hang out basically every day, and talk on the phone constantly. So when she went away on a camping trip for a week, it was kind of hard. I noticed though, the week she was gone, I gained like 3 lbs (i never gain weight), and I couldn't sleep. Then the day she got back, she called me and we talked for a couple hours, and ever since then I've slimmed down, and am sleeping regularly. wtf is up with this?






  1. Could you possibly have an abandonment issue? It is perfectly normal to miss someone close to you, gaining weight seems like you were compensating for her absence with food.

      Maybe increasing your circle of friends would help you tolerate the next time she goes away for a while.

       The old saying goes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder."

    But it is not a good thing to become dependent on others too much.

  2. To become better rounded (and have something to do when she is away), you need to expand your circle of friends.  I'm not saying not to be bf with her, just have other friends so you don't go through withdrawal when she isn't around.  Join some clubs and groups at school (she can join with you) and hang around with others too!!

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