
Friendless and Lonely, how to get out of this situation? ?

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I am 17 years old, and a 13 year old probably experienced more than me. All I did this summer was go to work and go home to sleep. I am dieing to hang out with people and basically do something social. I basically have no close friends anymore and when I did they where the type that didn't do anything. I am tired of listening to my co-workers complain about there boy and girlfriends, talk about their plans for the night. I am tired of them texting and getting phone calls from there friends. All the phone calls i get is from my family asking when to pick me up. I am very nice and it seems like people like me, but it never seems like they want to hang out with me outside of work. When I come back to my last year of high school, I have nothing to look forward to. No friends or even crushes. I never had a girl friend in high school. I just want to experience my teenage years and it is my last chance too! I want to go camping, I want to do crazy things, I want to go on the beach. I just don't want to be alone anymore. This is sad that I am sitting at home doing nothing on a Friday night when people my age are clubbing or hanging out. Is there something wrong with me, or is it just gods design to make me a social outcast?




  1. Dude I'm kinda like you and I know what your going through.  Do you like where you live?  It could be maybe you need to go somewhere where you fit in with more people.  I mean why change yourself just to get friends where you are now?  I know that I'm tired of having to change myself just so I can make some friends who arn't really good friends anyway.  Good luck with your last year of high school. :)

  2. There are dances classes every evening, at you community college.  Get involved in such activities, you will meet people with the same interests.

    In a work place is usually hard to get outside activities because they have family to catch up with. One day you will understand that..

  3. this is hard...but if you really want friends and to become social, you need to become social,,,facebook, msn the people you know at school and get to know them

    dont be annoying

    when school starts try a nwe group but dont just stand there

    be fun


    have enerrgyyy

    be yourself

    be SOCIAL like ay i heard about the movie "shds" friday night?

    see what happens

    wish you the best of luck

    and any of the things you want to do before high school ends GO FOR IT

    dont';ll regret it...once you become good firiends with people tell them your going and want them to join

    need advice view my page

    ill give you advice on anything you need, don't be shy

    and please spread the word about my website!

    THANKS and i reealllyy hope I helped!

  4. Well the answer here is pretty obvious. Ya gotta go crazy~ Well not, mad Murder Rush Crazy. But. Be creative. Be Super Friendly to random people. Share interests. See someone sitting at Starbucks. Walk right up to them and ask them if they like star wars. Why? because

    A) Star wars is awesome

    B) It shows confidence

    C) Star wars can be replaced by random sport other epic movies and such

    Good Luck~

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