
Friendly Inter-Highschool Football game. Tips, strategies?

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So our school is part IB (advanced courses) and part regular. I used to be in the regular program and most of my friends are there. Yesterday they challenged me to get 9 more IB buddies and we'd play 10v10 full NFL rules on the school soccer pitch.

Our school doesn't have a football team (just a rugby team) so none of us are amazing, but all of us play a lot of flag football at lunch.

What are some tips or strategies to winning this rivalry?

Btw its a friendly game. We'll play tackle but we're not out to hurt each other.

A couple of us are on the rugby team so we know how to tackle. Anyway we can help out our virgin players?





  1. Only one way to find out if they can handle the rough stuff and that's get them in the game.  You may find they have some skills and the ones who don't like to get hit will have to be used as blockers.  I don't know if you plan on running the ball but if not keep the game to short passes for the most part and play for ball control using simple pass patterns like stop and go, hook, short slant and leave the crossing patterns for your bravest.  Go deep once in a while to keep the d honest.

    We (my friends and I) used to play every Sunday morning and then go watch the games together afterwards until one guy broke an arm and another blew out his knee.  After that we just started getting together to watch the games.  Hope someone knows a little first aid, it may be needed.

    Have fun.

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