
Friendly fire what are we doing wrong it's mostly us Brits that get fired upon?

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Friendly fire what are we doing wrong it's mostly us Brits that get fired upon?




  1. You guys are so courageous you advance to far after calling in fire support.  These incidents do seem to hit the British far more than any other NATO members in Afghanistan.

  2. It's your news source primarily, the BBC will report British engagements long before they would another country's. All troops of any country have 'friendly fire' occur if they engage in combat long enough. Human error with the logistics involved will always cause these problems.

  3. Friendly fire - tell that to the 100s of thousands innocent iraqis killed by friendly fire.

  4. American weaponry is so accurate and sophisticated that from miles away, it can hit the exact centre of a big red cross!

  5. I hate that term of words.

    'friendly' fire isn't friendly to the family of the victims.

  6. Lets just all come home.

  7. We've got Prince Harry calling in the coordinates.....what do you expect?

  8. Canadians also suffered their fair share...

    'What we have a failure to communicate'

    Cool Hand Luke

    Grant: Picking your!

  9. Picking your friends.

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