
Friendly letter to!?

by  |  earlier

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It's the beginning of school, and we got an assignment to write a friendly letter to the teacher. I don't know this teacher really well, I'm a somewhat boring person--how should I begin the letter after Dear Ms. _______, ? I don't really want to begin the letter with something like Hi! This is your student ________ in your 5th period class! What should I do? Once I get started, the rest comes out smoothly. Thanks!




  1. Dear Ms. ______, I really don't want to begin this letter by saying something like "Hi, this is your student _______," so instead, I'm going to tell you about what motivates me to laugh, what motivates me to cry, and what I'm really interested in learning. I'm going to tell you about what I hope for this class and what I hope for my life. I'll probably also write about a few things that you might want to know about me (like the fact that I'm a perfectionist, shy to respond in class, or really sensitive about bad feedback). Some of the things you'll probably never find out about me because you only see me in class are: ...

    How's that? If a teacher has given this assignment, it usually  means they want to know more about the student so you can have some kind of friendly relationship. :o)

  2. You can start with an interesting fact about yourself or just any random interesting fact you can find online. You can also start with a good quote, or a joke, or a recent news article. How about talking about the Olympics first since that's fresh in everyone's memory? :) Good luck!

  3. you should tell her about what u like to do, about ur self, and tell her how much you look forward to being in her class. Tell her about some past experiences. Ask her about herself. Tell her what u think she'll want to here!

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