
Friends, then not friends???

by  |  earlier

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How come at school, girls will be your friends, well they are I guess popular, but they be your friend like one year, then the next year they hate you or dont talk to you. It's so stupid. We would be best friends then I would say hi next year and they wouldn't be as friendly as they used to be.




  1. Some girls will be your friends one year,and then the next year she might find out the popualr girls like her.So they leave you and act all s****. to you,so that their popular friends like her.

  2. you know what they have their reasons but don't waste time on people like that!

    just find new TRUE friendss that care about you :)

  3. Ohh man I am sorry I don't really know what to say because it happens alot well it has for me but just forget about it and move on to other friends

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