
Friends With Benefits ?

by Guest56682  |  earlier

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are friends with benefits a bad thing to get involved with? cause i have a friend that i would like to consider a friends with benefits but I'm not sure how its gonna work out




  1. they can be lots of fun if there is sexual attraction and you can get along.

    but unless you would consider a relationship with that person

    cuz its possible that feelings could be brought out

  2. Friends with benefits is like walking into h**l if your friend isn't chill with it. Explain to the person how you feel, before taking the next step. Because, if you two haven't explained what you're getting into, you might feel jealous if you see them with another person, and vice versa.

    So explain before you do anything. No strings tied.

  3. BAD IDEA!! I've gone through Friends w/ benefits with 2 different guys in my past thinking everything was going to be alright. But, technically if you know FOR SURE that neither one of you 2 will develop feelings for each other than it MIGHT be okay. But otherwise, someone WILL get hurt and more than likely it'll be you. I told myself I wasn't going to fall for my friend i was choosing to become that way with, and I did and he didn't want a relationship or anything so my heart shattered. And, it repeated. Honestly, your just asking to get your heart broken. Good luck.

  4. me and my girlfriend broke up about a month ago and about a week ago we went to the movies and made out and held each other for a long time and at first i thought it was fine but after that when i realized that we weren't getting back together i had second thoughts about it. so the thing is... if you like them and your hugging, kissing, etc. in a way that is "more than friends" your really opening up your heart and there's a good chance it will get broken so just be careful!

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