
Friends are being really mean...I am jealous and I need help.?

by Guest59854  |  earlier

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Okay so I have 2 friends(Alex, Sammy)

Alex and Sammy hang out wayy too much

Sammy is so clingy to alex and only hangs out with her and no one else. Sammy only invites alex to her house, the mall, etc.

Today sammy gave alex so much for her birthday and NOTHING for my birthday. NOTHING I reapeat NOTHING.

She didnt go to my birthday party because she was "sick".

I am just so mad at sammy...she never lets alex go and it seems like she only likes her and no one else.

I always feel like the 3rd wheel around her and alex.

What do I do?

I dont want to confront them because

a)i am too shy

b)i am afraid they are gonna get mad at me/embarrass me

Please...I cant take it and it seems like its gotton worse since i got into high school....great already high school drama





  1. It seems like Sammy might be more of a social climber. I have a friend like that. She'll find another best friend and stop latching to Alex so much. You can email me if you need to vent.  

  2. I think you should just confront them (as long as you have other friends you could fall back on) if you dont; try joining new things to make new friends and then confront them. you dont want to keep your relationship with alex and sammy how it is or youll just be plain miserable

    hope this helped :]

    good luck

  3. they dont like u as much ur just their

    just stop talking to them they wont even notice

  4. Well you have to choices. 1. confront them or 2. Don't hang out with them any more.

  5. If I was in this situation(which I have been plenty of times) I would stop talkin to them personally ...a true friend would never do that. Its always gonna be people like that in high just have ta choose the right people. You should never care about people that dont care about you in the same way.

  6. ditch em... you seem really rad. you are probably to sweet to hang out with them anyways. So just talk to other people in your classes and make new friends. Highschool is all about new friends. so start making em!

  7. This isn't what you want to hear but maybe you should branch out and find some other friends.  You need a friend(s) who will show YOU the same respect you give them.  These two are obviously close (maybe too close) and are finding it difficult to make time for anyone but themselves.  I wouldn't spend my entire high school trying to fit myself between them if I were you.  

  8. You really just need to say, ya know "Listen I'm here and if you don't want me to then just say it and ill move on but don't make me sit here anymore." And if they do say they don't care for you just say "Okay" and walk away. No need to get even or anything just relax and just go talk to new people. I have never been in the situation but i have witnessed it.. Hope it helped, and don't be afraid of rumors or what they might embarrass you by. Let it go, everyone has there flaws, including me.

  9. well first off, don't you think it's embarrassing enough you feel like the third wheel? if they're ur friends, you should be able to talk to them about might seem weird at first, but just explain to them how you feel..and maybe all of you should just work out the whole problem together.

  10. let  them have each other if they like each other that much since your starting high school make new friends  

  11. find some new friends, sounds like they are being snobs

  12. They sound like "false friends".  We all have them and sometimes you need to rid yourself of them.

  13. ditch 'em, they sound like jerks

    if all that's true, why do you even like them?

  14. Before you confront them (which you should do soon) try looking for some new friends in your classes and stuff. I think that your friends right now are hurting you and I don't think they're being good friends.  

  15. Just tell your friend Alex that she doesn't spend a lot of time with you. I'm sure she'll understand. Schedule a day for you two to hang out without Sammy. Or you can go with Alex and Sammy and try to become better friends with her.

  16. The less you talk to them, the better. They will soon realize who they have really lost. (You.)

  17. they don't sound like the greatest friends. try to make new friends that you can hang out with.

  18. omg ditch the ***** (s)

    make new friends duhhh

  19. You should find NEW friends.

    Because they don't sound like very good friends.

  20. ditch them find friends who appreciate you. You should never feel like that with your friends

  21. Apparently they are trying to tell you something. Stay away awhile, if they come to you then you will know if they are friends, if not, you will still know. Sometimes like graduates you to another set of friends.  A friend does not have those type of feelings.

    Do you need Sammy and Alex to give you life?

  22. make some new friends.

    if they treat you like that, you shouldnt even be hanging out with them.

  23. You're going to have people walk all over you if you never confront them. You need to get rid of them and find some new people who treat you better. "Friends" like that just end up becoming a liability on your sanity later on.  

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