
Friends are high please help

by Guest65815  |  earlier

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My best friend is high all the time .

He said he will get grounded If his parents will find

Out , should I tell his parents ?




  1. If you want him to live, you should.

  2. You should definitely talk to someone about it, if its the parents, thats probably the best. Just try to run it past them and tell them what they NEED to know. Good luck!

  3. telll him to stop if he wont tell his parents

  4. Parents are pretty sharp on that stuff anyway, and you could cause irreparable damage to your friendship that way. The symptoms are fairly obvious, and going behind his back, WILL be found out, sooner or later. You, in turn, will lose any credibility you may have with him as a close confidant. Besides, his parents can't stop him from being a doper. Only he can. Just be there for him, but not as a doormat. Don't criticize his habit. Just listen to him, and maybe casually change the subject if and when it is verballized. Eaiser to catch flies with honey, than it is with vinegar. Be extra patient and diligent. Take care.  

  5. yes, cause friends are not disposable, and a true friend will help them

  6. YES you need to tell someone RIGHT NOW!!! THhis person may be ur best friend but if he/she really is you would tell on them. This causes major health problems and could lead to SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! if i wuz you i would think of it as doin a favor for him/her.

            Good Luck. Best Wishes.

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