
Friends arrested with lsd and ecstasy?

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A few of my friends were arrested after they were pulled over for speeding and the cop smelled weed and found marijuana, lsd and ecstasy. None of them claimed ownership of the drugs so all were taken to the station and held on bond. They have to appear in court soon, what kind of punishment are they facing.

One is 17 year old, the other two are both 19.




  1. The driver could face DUI charges if it was found he was driving under the influence.....the rest of it, varies depends on who's vehicle it was, a lot could be determined, construed, and plead out........worst case scenario they could face felony charges for the LSD and ecstasy and receive prison time for it.  BUT our justice system does take in account prior history of the subjects and if this is a first offense they may get lucky.

    Punishment in court cases is too wide to determine because it varies from person to person, prior history, severity of the situation etc.  It depends on if they are willing to take plea bargins, how good of an attorney they have etc.......

    Best piece of advice to give them ...... stay away from the drugs it's nothing but a problem waiting to happen

  2. 2 yrs. probation with bi monthly urinalysis.

    No jailtime after bail and courtdate,courtcosts,and fines.

  3. well...... to be honest with you... if it's their first charge..maybe they could become involved with a PTI (PRE-TRIAL INTERVENTION) program. If they do pre-trial intervention their records will be wiped clean and they wont even have to do no jail time or probation or any of that

  4. Tell them to have lube on hand in thier cell and lots of it cause their going to be there for a LONG TIME. Stupid kids these days dont realize what kind of **** LSD and ecstasy will get them into.

    From what i heard its 10 years for every hit of acid but that could be bologna.

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